Vaping and sleep apnea reddit

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

I am not complaining, as I am grateful to be receiving comp for this issue. It’s harder to get into the deepest stage of sleep, which is REM (rapid eye movement). VA Disability. Don't eat before bed. You should try to troubleshoot your CPAP issues as best as you can before looking at alternatives. The prevalence of OSA in China, Spain, Korea, Sweden, the United States, Japan, and India between 1993 and 2013 was 22% and 17% in males and females, respectively 1. Yeah we get it, cigs are worse for you. Maybe some you have something I don't know about, anything. nih. Not recommended for extended use because, if not fitted right, can move your teeth and cause jaw pain. Sep 13, 2023 · Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder. gov/19345124/ Release of these neurotransmitters (e. About a year or so ago he learned that there’s a possible link between low vitamin B1 deficiency & Central Sleep Apnea & things like SIDS in infants. All good doctors will prefer their patients to use CPAP. Can a sleep issue like sleep apnea cause other issues like sleep hallucinations and intense night terrors?? Quick fix, put the mod in another room when you go to bed. Oct 25, 2021 · The number one reason for quitting vaping was experiencing negative physical health effects of vaping, which included shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, coughing, sore throat, poor oral health, poor skin health, and poor sleep quality. Loud snoring is definitely a sign. LivingDasein. Daytime tiredness is a key indicator of Sleep apnea / hyponea syndrome. That's what my mum uses. Higher doses of methadone can cause sleep apnea and other sleep disturbances. All to improve energy, think clearer and boost mood. unrefreshing sleep. Arousals [mini-wakenings during sleep apnea] increase muscle tone and subsequently breathing occurs, usually I reduced my dose and I haven’t had to use a CPAP machine almost a year, and I don’t have issues at night anymore. I’m so stressed. This is where sleep hygiene comes into play. If you need a vape do what you would have done if it was a cig, get up and hit it then go back to bed. Check out the youtube channels TheLankyLefty27 and CPAP Reviews, they have a lot good content on all aspects of CPAP treatment. PSA for those going under anesthesia!! This is just a general PSA for those who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are planning to have any sort of procedure done with general anesthesia (surgery, dental procedure, nose/throat procedures, upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. Maybe try nicotine lozenges or a pouch product like On or Snus. But as you know yourself, only a sleep test will tell. Basically you are not getting good sleep due to lack of oxigen from breathing during sleep. While you’re smoking: Nicotine disrupts sleep – and smoking can also raise the risk of developing sleep conditions, such as sleep apnea. Basically, as a chronic insomniac, I'm Yes. I am unconvinced that most cpap treatment actually gets people close to normal sleep ranges. Had to push hard for a sleep study despite bruxism (a comorbidity) after about 5 years of daily severe headaches would build to migraines ODI = 29. If you're overweight and snore, there's a good chance you have OSA. those living with depression) will experience sleep improvement following nicotine consumption 4. 8 AHI (Severe obstructed sleep apnea). It's not a cut and dry thing. Hello Apnea Community! I've been on a CPAP since 2020, so not terribly long. I have a high AHI score (55), still waiting to complete a consult and evaluation and review of my test. At my insistence, she's just had a sleep study done. This is the first time i haven't caved quickly and I know it will stick this time. I was reading about some small studies done indicating that sleeping at a more upright angle could help sleep apnea. 3. 27M. I think we’re all creative enough, however, to imagine a few service related scenarios— breathing shit in that shouldn’t get in your body, getting choked out (even in training or roughhousing), minor injuries leading to being less active leading to weight gain. Waking up gasping isn't a core symptom, meaning most people with sleep apnea don't experience it. Nicotine acts as a sedative as well as a stimulant, and the sedative effects become far more prevalent as the dosage increases. Most of the time sleep apnea is the reason people gain weight. Find a CPAP (new or used). I know that it’s bad for me and especially bad after having sleep apnea but it seems to keep me awake and focused, as I get tired throughout the day Vivos Therapeutics Receives First Ever FDA 510(k) Clearance for Oral Device Treatment of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea upvotes · comments r/SleepApnea Sleep apnea is caused by to much achool- (beer, redwine, champion), nicotine, foods with nicotine- (pepper,tomatoes, pataoos,calliflower). Small and narrow maxilla means small and narrow nasal passages. 4 /h , 00:00:47 hours SPO2<90%; Minimum SPO2 of: 82%. I have attached my sleep study results, where Apr 15, 2018 · Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder that is characterized by repetitive episodes of complete or partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. Surgery, mouthguard things, chin straps, magnetic rings - you'll see a range of solutions presented as "curing" sleep apnea. Good sleep saves lives and contributes to quality of life. soundsleepclinic. As soon as I think it won’t happen again, it comes back. https://pubmed. Now to get the FAA to approve and no more dragging around that damn machine! EDIT: I am an Airline pilot. Not uncommon. So, I was definitely getting a CPAP. It’s what you do during the evening and at bedtime that can set the stage for quality sleep. I can tell you after 12 days of cpap, the fog and forehead pressure is much less. The second most commonly cited reason to quit was that individuals were tired of feeling stuck to Mar 28, 2014 · Commonly suggested mechanisms to explain how smoking may cause OSA include (1) changes in sleep architecture, (2) relaxation of the upper airway muscles and neural reflexes caused by nicotine, (3) increased arousal threshold from sleep caused by nicotine, and (4) increased upper airway inflammation due to smoke inhalation. ADMIN MOD. •. Mindfulness meditation (at any time in the day) Dealing with my psychological issues/understanding and processing my past experiences and underlying beliefs. It's possible. Focus on it. I think the vaping "movement" has built up a whole bunch of mistaken beliefs aimed at downplaying the harm of their chosen bad habit. CHF with Heart Function at 25%. CPAP is the got-to treatment because it's a flat out easier process and highly effective. Is that what you're experiencing? You weren't very clear about what you were experiencing. PMC charges $200 for an initial review of your records for LIFE. It can interfere with sleep, it's why I stop vaping nicotine liquid at least an hour or 2 before bed and switch to non-nicotine CBD liquid. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, seek treatment as soon as you can. If you’re struggling with CPAP therapy, keep at it. I have moderate to sever sleep apnea and I’ve had 2 If your sleep apnea is almost entirely positional, a positional aid like the Phillips NightBalance strap. Right at the cusp of sleep, you suddenly become aware that you’re no longer breathing and you jolt awake as a wave of anxiety passes over you. I am 21 years old and have severe sleep apnea. Start exercising. Now they come and go and it's really easy to resist. This obstruction can be in the throat (sometimes caused by overweight, or different bone structes of the checks, etc) or in the nose (never caused by overweight). I am in my 40s was a cigarette smoker starting in my teens and well into my 30s. Change your diet. Reply reply More replies. Mouth taping is very useful to improve the performance of your CPAP machine if you find yourself opening your mouth in your sleep and allowing air to leak out of your mouth. AMA. A second ResMed is due any day now. She has sleep apnea. I am currently in a grad program for my career change, going from teaching elementary school to psychology. To quit you need motivation. The dangerous part is that sleep apnea represents a time when you weren't breathing and consequently didn't have enough oxygen in your system. In addition to its effects on sleep quality, vaping can also impact sleep apnea. My sleep study put me at 62. Loud snoring prompted me to seek the at home test. Hello docs, 27M Diagnosis : Anxiety, depression, ADHD +(suspicions of ASD/social anxiety but I'm tired of labels so that's on pause for now, sleep apnea, for which I have a sleep study on monday and convergence insufficiency for which I see an ophtalmologist on wednesday) It doesn’t matter how close to bed time you vape. Has… If your AHI is staring higher, you may not get a full cure, but it still can lower the CPAP pressure, which can make CPAP more tolerable to some people. I quit vaping (pods, ~50mg/ml) and have started having very broken sleep, and very frequent and vivid dreams. Inadequate sleep would seem to contribute to a build up of that protein, and high levels of that protein is associated with dementia and Alzheimer's. During the study, they will hook you up to sensors, as mentioned, and then have you fall asleep. 9 /h. Waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air with a sharp pounding headache, or frequently waking up in the morning with a regular headache. Can't believe I lived like that. Archived post. Here’s how nicotine affects your sleep – both while you’re still smoking and in the weeks after you quit. 13 votes, 19 comments. Yes. Loosing weight is just the standard tip. Yes it might do as it’s classed as a stimulant. Also would lose focus and like you, felt dumber and dumber as time went. Wondering if anyone here has had any relief from sleep apnea sleeping in a recliner. So no it’s not being overweight since most people I knew with sleep apnea were tiny af. Then i vaped and still do sometimes if I am drinking. Turns out, my AHI was 53 before they put the CPAP on half-way and went down to almost zero afterwards. I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and given an APAP machine . You get used to it. Once you start therapy and getting better rest, your brain is able to do this again. Well, I just picked the machine up yesterday, an Airsense11 with F30i full mask. A good bowl of a strong blend like Nightcap, Ten Russians, Bogey etc, smoked nice and slow in New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The vaping use is an interesting adaptation, I don't worry about that so much. OSA Search Comments. They’ll make a custom mouth guard and also a piece to help “re-set” your jaw after you take it out in the morning. Mar 28, 2018 · The Effect of Nicotine on Your ZZZ’s. At first I just wedged a pillow behind me and slept on my side. Discussion: woke up not rested, no clear problems with sleeping through the night, but tiredness and headache. Smoking, Vaping, and Sleep Apnea. 06mg. Either way, you'll be prescribed a machine and may or may not do a titration study (sleep study with the machine on). Because of that, it can lead to heart attack and stroke. g. The stimulative properties of nicotine could cause this poor sleep; also, sleep deprivation could increase vape use as a way to compensate for lethargy during the day. If you have 2 or more of the following symptoms, get a sleep study done. Respiratory rate was unchanged. kargilargh. nlm. One more thing …make sure you have a camping air mat that inflates to at least 1 1/2” high. But, it makes sense to me that sleep apnea would be a risk factor. But no vaping has not linked sleep apnea with vaping. Poor sleep directly leads to high cortisol levels which creates insulin resistance making weight loss needlessly more challenging. Nicotine is an addictive chemical contained in vapes, cigarettes, and other tobacco products. Asthmatic with allergies and apnea here. cpap has really helped me. Just leave it in the bathroom when doing your pre-sleep routine. Sleep Apnea and Memory Loss. The first few weeks on CPAP are probably worse than doing nothing at all; you will wake up all the time because of the mask or leaks. They say you recover most to all of your iq after lengthy cpap treatment. • 12 yr. paracelsus51. Most machines will do both now. Ghost that bih. I’ve suffered with SA for a couple of years now and have it under control with CPAP. It should. 2 months with the apap i am a new man but I believe I would not be here If it wasnt for the smoking. That's the biggest problem here. When I switch on the machine and put on the mask, a wave of calm happiness washes over me, and I drift off to sleep. I see a lot of questions on here about getting VA disability for sleep apnea, so I wanted to provide some clarity as a medical expert familiar with CFR 38 regulations. I started having severe sleep headache issues two months ago. Sleep apnea can caused by an obstruction. 2 hours minimum before bed. still tired after 1. I have sleep studies coming up, but won’t get a CPAP for many months. Moderate effectiveness, nothing major but if you're really mild it might be enough. Also, it took so many damn doctors to give me a sleep study just because I’m a young woman with a healthy BMI. My dentist made a mouth guard, which helped. 1 Untreated, OSA is a potentially lethal disease that increases the risk of numerous health complications including hypertension, congestive heart failure, atrial Your specialist will tell you. The polysomnography showed fragmentation with short and long moments awake. AHI of 79, Blood Oxygen dropping as low as 48%. At the beginning of the year (at my wife's insistence because of my snoring) I had a sleep study done. I struggle with severe health anxiety/other anxiety and I also think it has a relationship with my sleep apnea. Adhd has strong links with obesity due to its effects on impulse control and executive function. Hope this helps! Standard treatment is usually a CPAP or APAP. Place a flat piece of inedible object in your mouth (I use medical tape flipped over several times) to place in your mouth. And charge $600 per IMO letter. snoring. Do not use an off the shelf one, and do not go to a non sleep-certified dentist. I'm doing an internship, taking classes, and have a small part-time job. walking more, quitting vaping, cutting sodium. HaVE YoU HeArd oF mEWinG. Surrendering my need to control everything (half my problem was that I insisted on trying to control how and when I slept, but you can’t decide to sleep, you have to I’ve had high blood pressure and sleep apnea (treated with Valsartan-HCTZ and CPAP for both) since before, but they were definitely exacerbated by my weight gain. . Here are some tips: To sleep on your side, sew 3 tennis balls into the back of your sleep T-shirt. Nov 1, 2023 · Nicotine and Sleep. Most events were on my back, but majority of sleep was on the sides. But the key to getting through this, is to listen to your body. Vaping can cause inflammation in the lungs, throat, and nose, which can increase the frequency and severity of apnea episodes during sleep. Over the last couple months I’ve really kicked in to gear getting healthier, i. Title pretty much says it all. I have worked full-time since before I was diagnosed, and have noticed a significant improvement since then. And vaping is still irritating to your throat and mucus membranes. ). Reply reply. e. Step 1: Get your head right. Eat healthy (whatever that means to you right now). I have seen several discussions about the difference between getting 30% and 50% and the main difference being the doctor's wording. Caffeine stays in your system for as long as 17 hours. Being overweight is a risk factor of Sleep Apnea. It's not a cure for OSA. • 4 yr. witnessed apnoeas, breathing stoppage. ncbi. As a result, the sleep apnea patient is likely to Fatigue, bruxism, severe am headaches, never feeling rested, peeing >3x a night, and the overwhelming frustration of doctors never considering sleep apnea (bc I don’t fit the body weight or age criteria). Here are some things I learned. Researchers found that the sleep quality of vape users was significantly lower than that of their non-vaping peers, with more than three-quarters displaying symptoms of insomnia. I've been having a lot of trouble remembering new content. If possible, maybe see a sleep specialist and get tested, or he could try reducing his dose and see if that helps. sleep for less time overall. Forcing side sleeping - using pillows: Since my sleep apnea occurs on my back, I figured I would try to force side sleeping. Every night you are going to sleep you are risking the possibility of either and could just not wake up. HRV dropped 45 points below the lower end of my range and my RHR is 8 points higher than the high on my normal range. Some people with sleep apnea experience something somewhat similar - characterized by waking up gasping for air in the middle of the night. But that doesn't mean that vaping is good - it just isn't killing you quite as quickly. Go to your dentist or a sleep apnea specialist. Stop playing pretend like you know what you're talking about. I'd consult a sleep doc. Crap, a CPAP. Ask your specialist about them and they'll tell you what's what. But you're never going to get normal sleep if you drink that much caffeine, especially in the afternoon. aggravating or contributing to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and experiencing sleep fragmentation caused by the discomfort of heartburn symptoms. For a while I thought there was a tumor growing in my forehead it felt so weird. The only way i can describe it is its like when you take a hit off a vape but theres no juice on the wick. It’s important to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your body’s sleep-wake cycle on track. Your quality of life will improve so much, and your life will be longer too. Sep 10, 2019 · 1) Improve your sleep hygiene. Hello, I recently started vaping and I feel like it started after my fatigue. It will also provide a very comfortable rest. Acid Reflux and Sleep Apnea. I wake up always at night, at least once, sometimes 2-3-4 times (could be partically stress related though) and I yawn a lot during the days. I described this to my doctor and he was of the opinion that it was anxiety related. Help, I just want to know what to do NOW. My light sleep is 20%+ higher than my normal range. It gets so much easier! Just last week I was angry that my cravings were still hitting hard. I don't even care that much now that I'm alone, but every time I think about having an intimate relationship again and sharing a bed with someone I just get really sad and depressed. It won’t affect the quality of sleep, but I can affect your ability to fall asleep sooner. Forcing side sleeping - magnetic ball: So I was diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea and was recommended CPAP. Some info: 37, 6'3", 270, side sleeper but move all over, AHI 16. Vaping and sleep 💤 Hey guys I’m trying to quit vaping right now, I’ve been getting through one of the 2mg vapes in a day which is just getting crazy and out of hand. Award. Obstructive sleep apnea already makes it challenging to breathe throughout the night, and vaping can stimulate the upper airway muscles and make breathing even more difficult. Even though I got 87% sleep performance, my recovery was 27%, Needless to say, weed apparently heavily affects my ability to sleep / recover. If having a CPAP (or whatever your doctor recommends) helps you sleep better, that means your body will repair itself during the night and and have more energy the next day. I've recently switch to vaping everything and it's been amazing. If you smoke early the very mechanism that affect your sleep can also help you wake up and ready your organism for the day. When I got diagnosed with sleep apnea, my doctor told me I wouldn’t have to wake up to pee anymore once I started using the CPAP. Over 90% of patients with OSA are misdiagnosed; therefore, most of them remain untreated 2. me a sleep apnea / cpap tech frowning at people who are raw dogging their sleep apnea. Hey everyone, just a quick question. It will create other issues such as poor memory, poor sleep, easy dozing off during daytime, etc. The Mighty herb vaporizer & Source Versa e-rig encompass 95% of my intake. MarineComa. The CPAP made me feel much better, and got rid of the big headaches I’d wake up with (or that would develop over the course of the day). My wife is 42. If either happens as a result of obstructive sleep apnea, take slow deep breaths, and the pain should pass—but still you better go get that sleep study done. The key thing to understand is that just because the VA treats you for sleep apnea and provides a CPAP does NOT automatically mean they will grant service Sleep apnea and running. 1. Chronic sleep deprivation is like being drunk, and with untreated sleep apnea, you live your life like that. New comments cannot be posted and Finally, skeletal surgery can treat sleep apnea (Hyoid suspension only has a 17% success rate, MMA is 37. I was stuck in this horrible cycle where I’d try to go to sleep, stop breathing, wake up Dec 14, 2021 · Because vapes contain nicotine, they will still affect your sleep cycle and cause inflammation of your airways. It's worth noting that an oximeter isn't foolproof for detecting sleep apnea, especially if you're younger, but in my case the sleep apnea was so severe it was glaringly obvious. I'm wondering whether sleep apnea can contribute to treatment resistance ? I know sleep apnea can "mimic" other disorders (secretely hoping that's the actual problem but doubtfull), but can untreated sleep apnea actually interfere with the My mother has one of these recently and she smokes cigs constantly so when she would wake up in the middle they would just take her outside and let her smoke. I am very happy to report I got a Somnomed mouthguard made for me and that my sleep test came back with a AHI of 2. But also, in order to sleep better, you have to exercise more to make sure your body burns enough calories thus wanting to sleep more and recover. He started taking Nutritional Yeast daily, took him about 3 weeks or so to notice a difference but it greatly reduced the number of events he was having. I’ve used mouth tape for 3 years straight (except for maybe 3 nights where I had a stuffy nose). Mar 8, 2020 · The following shows how the nicotine in vaping products can contribute to sleep apnea: Nicotine heightens mental alertness and increases adrenaline production, which raises heart and breathing rates, and elevates blood pressure. serotonin, dopamine and gamma-aminobutryic acid) can be associated with pleasurable feelings and a sense of I been trying to eat healthier, exercise , & take important supplements. Feb 24, 2017 · In 2002, University of Illinois researchers published a study analyzing the effects of cannabinoids (THC and oleamide in particular) in mice. It wasn't a horrible experience, just felt like I only got light sleep. Quitting nicotine does increase anxiety for some time after quitting, just try to be mindful of that and reassure I’m 27y/o female, over weight and vape. Very happy with the results. Tl;dr: I’m a sleep apnea sufferer who has seen benefits from outdoor running at a slow pace. But a number of respiratory problems that affect sleep, like asthma and sleep apnoea, are exacerbated by While rates of traditional tobacco use are declining, rates of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use are comparatively high and growing. Online oral appliance like snore guard for about $50. I was awarded 30% for sleep apnea yesterday. Just get rid of it. Almost every single person benefits massively from a solid workout. Nicotine can also make it harder to get the quality sleep you need. With the mouthguard there was still some of that, but my O2 moved in a much narrower range. I want to quit, but I’m finding it harder to quit due to my sleep apnea. Given that nicotine is a primary mechanism by which smoking negatively impacts sleep health, e-cigarette use may also be linked to poor sleep health; however, no research has investigated this association. I just buried my face into the pillow and covers to sneak one in during mine. C. Smoking, including vaping, can contribute to overall health issues that may worsen sleep apnea. There were still some occasional dips below 90%, but it was much more stable. Vaping at 0mg seems fine if you want to vape 0mg has traces of nicotine in it like 0. And hard. I remember smiling and being like, “oh, ok great!” But in my brain I was completely skeptical like, okaaaaaay suuuuure. Vaping certainly isn't doing anything good for you. They will monitor you for several hours to collect baseline data. A pvc didgeridoo can be made cheap and is a useful tool to supplement treatment. I use a CPAP every night and potentially have to use it for the rest of my life. 2, oxygen dipped to 88%. Don’t dismiss running out of hand, even if you’re out of shape! Hello r/SleepApnea, I wanted to raise the topic of running and sleep apnea to see what you think. Well, it was a split-night. This helped, but sometimes I would shift away from the pillow and sleep on my back. 5mo on CPAP, pulmonologist says that im fully treated and that sleep apnea "doesnt cause fatigue", just "sleepiness" (even though i have both)--is it microarousals, leak issues, or simply more time needed? People compensate nasal breathing with mouth breathing. During sleep, especially during deep sleep with greater muscle relaxation, our jaws fall back and contribute to obstruction and apneic events [where there is no air movement]. And exhausted. Poor sleep has been linked as a major risk factor for weight gain. Nicotine is a stimulant, so it can certainly interrupt sleep. Smoking affects various BTW I likely have sleep apnea, probably related to my obesity. 5% cure rate), but only as a last resort due to the relatively high risks involved. Yep, research has shown that sleep apnea may or may not disappear if you lose weight if you are overweight, and if you lose weight and gain it back again, or just gain weight, your apnea may not reappear or you may not develop it. Still not enough… The moment I fall asleep, I snore quite loudly, in a regular pattern for about 60% to 80% of the night. (I have since graduated to Bi-Pap). I recently have been waking up in the middle of the night to this weird choking feeling. I have chronic sinusitis, and was wondering if i have sleep apnea. • 2 yr. nicotine fucks my sleep up big time. spend less time in deep, restorative sleep 3. It’s incredibly hard to tell for certain what the original cause of many people’s sleep apnea is. EKG readings were getting worse by the week. These effects aren’t universal and, in fact, some people (e. 6! Its not a cheap device but well worth it if it works for you. A ResMed Airsense is now part of the bedroom furniture. Sleep Apnea - VA Disability. Things I submitted to VA through the direct upload portal -supplemental claim form -personal statement -my first sleep study result -my new sleep study result -IMO from Prestige Medical Consulting. waking headaches (mostly in women) unexplained excessive sleepiness, tiredness or fatigue. I used to wake up 2-3 times a night. I have sleep apnea (treating with a CPAP), AND I grind my teeth. 2 /h PLMs with arousal index= 0. Sleeping in a recliner. Nasal/sinus inflammation is a *huge* issue and certainly could cause apnea symptoms to worsen. Sleep apnea was diagnosed. If you’re vaping high amounts of nicotine during the day, you’re affecting your sleep patterns. I’m so desperate. Sleep apnea would be unrelated to vaping, but doesn't necessarily seem like sleep apnea. 2. I got my CPAP 21 days ago and it’s still uncomfortable to use. I was first diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, a deviated Sleep apnea causes anxiety and adhd-like symptoms in everyone I've ever heard that has it You still might have adhd after treating the aleep apnea though. My AHI was 37 with hypopnea. It is highly unlikely that it helps everyone. PLM Index= 10. Obesity causes or substantially aggravates sleep apnea. Very similar, usually depends on level of involvement of the doctor and patient response as to which one is best for you. A joint / blunt here and there is much more tolerable when I'm usually vaping. Share. Sleep is the lynchpin to health. ago. If there is evidence that you have sleep apnea, the technician will bring in the CPAP face mask and you will continue sleeping with the CPAP. VA Disability Claims. The negative effects to your overall health from poor sleep are significant enough that you shouldn't ignore the problem. I may have some of this wrong. As of March 2012, I was diagnosed with a severe case of sleep apnea after taking a sleep test (43 obstructions per minute). The findings revealed that THC and oleamide were effective in stabilizing respiration in the subjects during the entire cycle of sleep, which reduced the apnea index during NREM and REM sleep stages by as I just hit 3 weeks vape and nicotine free tonight. Some people inherited sleep apnea. Anonymous_Bozo. In my case weight loss of 50 pounds to my statistical ideal weight did not improve my severe sleep apnea. You're not getting normal sleep if you try to sleep on caffeine. But since nicotine is a stimulant, smoking can mask r/IAmA. It is NOT anxiety. So tomorrow I'll have a sleep study looking for sleep apnea, referred by my current psychiatrist. As others have said, it is very important to go to a certified sleep dentist. See a sleep doctor if you suspect you have sleep apnea. Also wondering if people have found that using vapes affects sleep as I’ve not been sleeping well - and thinking this may be the culprit? Apparently this is common and happens because, when you have untreated apnea, you don’t get into the deep/restful sleep you need to be in for your brain to signal your kidneys to slow down urine production while you’re asleep. I also noticed that I had pretty bad transitional/sleep onset apnea specifically. GERD can have a dramatic impact on sleep, leading to risks of: aspirating (breathing in) stomach acid while asleep. But even after CPAP, I’d still wake up with lingering minor headaches due to the teeth grinding. I totally didn’t believe him. Choose regularity. I firmly beleive CPAP saved my life. Also, even some tongue exercises might help if you're really mild - look up the eXcite OSA device. If I drop weight and stop vaping can I reverse this? Really not very attractive to wear a mask. I'm gonna do a sleep study, but doctor advices turbinates reduction first. Might be rough the first couple nights breaking the habit, but should adjust quick. Once ingested, nicotine can reach the brain within seconds, triggering a cascade of changes in the body that affect heart rate, mood, and digestion. iy zg mx lx ms rz ot jf ph sf