Men happily married reddit

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

I can tell my experience as being both miserably married leading to divorce and happy in relationship that can very well lead to lifelong commitment. I’m not going to leave him because I still love him, even though I wish I had the strength and resources to bounce sometimes. put away so there are no distractions. The other 20% is probably a bunch of husbands and wives who are unaware of how unhappy their partners are. In fact, I would go so far to say that our relationship is much better and stronger today than when our schedules were dictated by our kids activities. I am in awe of the positive posts here. Voted 55% unpopular. Just off the cuff, married men earn more money and live longer than unmarried men. This excerpt from Of Mice and Men has always sat with me, and it's the best description I can offer: You guys are on the same team - do whatever you can to help make life a little easier for each other. Some might have legit reasons that the marriage is not working but stsying for kids, there are tons and tkns of reason for both sides. • 2 yr. We both acknowledge that neither of us is the person the other married. Men don't objectify women. They might feel concern if you've expressed a desire be in a relationship, but not if that isn't what you want. I met my wife (a younger woman) when I was 30, got married at 35. Eight months later we wed. We are very affectionate with one another and like to hang out together and love each other very much. Got to meet in the middle. Half that for separation etc then you will have 30% of happily married men. We see each other every day, but yes I do think about her. Only 25 percent were able to enjoy life after getting married. ADMIN MOD. I (31M) am happily married but also in love with someone else. 50% divorce rate in North America. too much. 2 grown children, one grandchild and still going strong. What makes marriages work: Communication and compromise. In a couple of cases the splits were really unexpected but it only takes one to want out. If I ask him the same question he basically just says loyalty which is kind of a given, So I don't really get anything else from him. We choose marriage every day. Not not looking for a relationship, but mostly enjoying being social, flirting, hookups, light dating. However this step can break many things that worked well when living together. ** I couldn't imagine my life without her, I really feel like when you are with the right person life is just so much better. There are people who get married younger but many also get married in their 30's and beyond. Happily married men of Reddit, how did you meet your wife and get into your current relationship? Dedicate your life to deep introspection, self love, self "And your wife is married to a man who is a sexist. S. So you realized you were gay at a young age and dated men exclusively. Been married 11 years now… And while we’re happy, and compatible, and get along, sometimes she misses being with another Hello all, I guess I'm looking for advice from you all. I’ve never ever considered having an affair and was resistant at first but he pursued me quite aggressively. They are just trying to be the best they can be. No 'ball and chain' jokes, etc. Reply. Its easy to just read the posts on this thread and get a false impression that most short dudes are happy and in relationships. I think this question appears to imply (intentional or not) that if you are unmarried or are not a father, that you are automatically a loner. TOPICS: depression, discrimination, late virginity/very limited XP, low self-esteem, social anxiety, body image, handicaps, mental disorders **coupled with no active sex life. Your friends just want you to be happy, and that can look different to different people. I didn’t walk down the aisle all those years ago thinking a happy marriage could possibly be defined by placing an “ad” in Naughty from Neglect in January, 2022. Don't think that love is enough, it's not. Wholly and automatically, without ever consciously thinking about it. Compared to women, I'm sure more women would prefer having a family and kids than men, but that's just human nature and excluding all of the factors in between like mental health, substance abuse, incarceration, etc. The point is that a married couple will work through the problems and get back to being happy and a non married couple will simply give up and split up. You admit that your attraction to her is emotional, but your attraction to men is physical. That being said, lusting after them is a whole different story. She also has a competitive, hardworking, high-conscientiousness, very outgoing type of personality. Cherish every second you have with your spouse don't go to bed angry life is too short to be mad at your best friend I know from experience I lost my wife to suicide in April before then I was extremely happy in the relationship we had fights here and there usually dumb a few about her drinking but we were happy I thought. Nope, not happy. when you cohabitate, you decrease the chance of making marriage a concerted, conscious choice. If I were happily married, my wife would be my partner, not some woman 3,000 miles away, who’s now my partner in every sense of the word. If you want to get married because of your parents it may not work out. I'm glad I'm (happily) married, because today's dating world is toxic for men. Told a few of my buds this, they laughed. I had a list of major things I wanted from my life partner. And yet, from what I've seen, men who make around the same amount of money as I do expect to eventually split the bills equitably solely based on income (not gender). Yes, a happy marriage is possible. Walked through our 20’s, his stage 3 cancer, a Covid wedding, a tough pregnancy and all the life things in between together ๏ธ Gotta have communication. Just curious about what other happy men have at home. Don't be that kind of person. It feels easy and comfortable to be with her, we've been together for about 15 years now, and I'm excited to spend the rest of my life with her. When dating her it didn't feel like a chore. empty nesters now and we are happier and more in love today than when our kids were still at home. Happily married men of Reddit, how did you find your wife and what is it about her that makes her the whole package/ the love of your life? This question goes specifically for men who have been married for a significant amount of time and feel no wane of their relationship in sight. Then you got caught up in religion, decided that homosexuality is wrong, "realized" you were straight, and started dating your best friend. I don’t think most who cheat are truly happy, even the ones who say they are. I'm not referring to bisexuality only because I'm not a fan of labels. If I had a dime for every time I heard someone say, "well, I just don't get that spark anymore, so we broke up. A happy marriage generally means not keeping score, but you also need to be able to talk about the specific things you're going through that you feel are making you unhappy. I was brought up in a traditional house so I cook, clean, all that jazz and I know that makes him feel loved. However, most studies have found widowhood to have a more adverse effect on men than on women. This could be true but I don't see it as the root issue. My wife and I frequently have conversations about today's toxicity among genders. No sympathy for the pain of ending this situation for either of you. Living together is a great test before upping the ante and getting married. . Too many reasons to list. WARNING: Some other subs have bots that will ban you if you post or comment here. For happily married men, what has been the biggest struggle or test in your relationship, and how did you get past it? Do you feel your relationship is stronger now than it was be In our 35th year of marriage, there may be less passion, but more appreciation. nim_opet. Happy post, 3 year wedding Anniversary today! (been together for nearly 12) and welcoming our first child within the next week. Bullcrap. Many men with kids will even stay in a bad marriage in order to see their kids everyday instead of divorce & only see them part time. People think marriage is all "happily ever after" and sparkles and shit. Respect your wife and your marriage, even if it means passing up a "good" joke. Met two different women in It's not specific to you being older than him. JABS991. Also my girlfriend would love me no matter what physique I had she would be fine if I was simply just a skinny fat white guy. When I met my Wife, got married and moved to a different state, over the next eight years, I slowly started to become less social. We may not have "deep" conversations, but we talk. Be hot, non-needy, fun and charismatic. Award. So many other people on Reddit are despairing at how unaffordable everything is, and meanwhile I feel like I found a cheat code in marriage. Yes, lots of people are objectively hotter than your spouse. cooldude_4000. You know it’s a good sacrifice because you can see how it would benefit both people in the relationship. Both your fashion skills and effort will decline. However; it is harder for men to find women so it may take longer or never happen. (I understand it's just nice guy revenge fantasy, it's just so stupid and doesn't make sense. " 7. For hours. She will order your food without tomatoes because you hate them. Why TRP is constantly reminding men to be on guard against Oneitis and sliding back into blue pill thinking. The math isn't mathing, Chungus. For me it was a gradual process. A lot of men have been taught that if they just get all the boxes checked, they should be happy. Everything was absolutely great for the first 12 years. My wife is 8 years older than I, though admittedly she takes amazing care of herself and despite being 51, people often mistake her for being in her 30's still. Others found widowed women to be more distressed than widowed men. Not dissimilar to a white racist who says they have a black friend but consistently makes racist choices when they vote or hire. When it comes to dating/relationships most of us fail our way to success. It is the things that WE do. She me that's fine, I wasn't her type. I’m happy with who she is independent of what anyone else may be. Work hard for her and she’ll work hard for you 2%. They might have checked all the boxes: wife, house, white fence, kids, career. Posted by u/jahbiddy - 19 votes and 60 comments On the married side are just assholes who would chase side guys/girls to satisfy their ego (or lack thereof), curiousity, or just plain selfishness. maddyiipm. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. He tells me daily that I'm hot and he loves me and loves my body and we are still very much attracted to each other and enjoy a satisfying sex life. The things that make our marriage work: Every night we have 1 hr after kiddos go to sleep where we talk with phones, tv, computer, etc. exactly. There is strong evidence that statistically, married men are better off than unmarried men in all sorts of objective ways. You have to genuinely want to be married and you need to be thinking long term. But im stuck at a dead end job making no money as a auto mechanic. But how do all the "good" men end up married, when all women chase Chad/whoever? The math isn't mathing, Chungus. Like any couple we have had a few ups and downs, but generally things have been very good. Do not get involved with women who are in relationships. I hated dating. Act in your relationships with honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. Especially between, “I’m struggling with something, and I need advice on how to solve a specific issue, so I’m coming to you privately“ versus “I keep bringing up the same problem over and over, and I’m not looking to solve it, I just want to vent about somebody I’m unhappy with, and I refuse to take action. Its like a cheat code. Keep it professional, maintain your distance, don't play along, be polite but direct. Constantly being neglected for video games and a dead bedroom doesn’t really make a happy marriage. I had a list of minor things I wanted from my life partner but was willing to compromise on. mannyrav. There are several things that you need to understand and do to make this not be a problem any more: Choose to be with someone who is dependable, who knows what they want, what they're willing or not willing to do. ago. Anyone who says simple yes or no is an idiot. 24 years, a wedding and two kids later I am still madly in love with her. That's probably a good thing though, haha. Not married yet but going to be. Thanks! Married 12 years with multiple kiddos. The rate seems to be environment related. Previously in 2 long term relationships (3yrs & 1 yr). When I met my wife, I told her she wasn't my type. They might feel jealous of a single guy if they're in a bad marriage, but not if they're in a good one. We travel, only argued like 3 times, have similar life goals, philosophies, spending habits, etc. It's a way of claiming that not all women hate them so that they must be okay. Got out and have been lost ever since. Without one of these, nagiging mahirap i-manage ang marriage kasi wala kayong common ground; kumbaga parang laging battle of wits sa inyong dalawa. Going on 47 years of marriage. All relationships have ups and downs. Gotta speak your mind. She was 21. Happily married men, who do you love more after childbirth, the mom or the child ? 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Um no this is controlling behavior. I guess that you didn't take into account that all of those husbands who have been married for 14 years, did get through years 1 - 8 successfully. Not just in the bedroom, but in life. Mentally undressing them, wanting them in a sexual way. At the end of the day, we make it work, and it's hard to explain. When you feel this way, both genders are likely to cheat in some way. Having two incomes, a dependable roommate, and two opportunities for subsidized health insurance really take a mental load off in terms of affording life. ” I'm asking men who have been married for more than sixteen years because according to statistics the median marriage fails by the seventh year, with a divorce followed a year after. At the most basic level, men's rights are the legal rights that are granted to men. 32 years married, 34 together. Even if he weren't married, the fact that he is your manager makes any flirtations awkward. That part of you needs to be reserved for your wife in your marriage. Anyone happily married to a woman with a higher income? Ask r/Marriage. A partner taking night feedings for spouse that has just given birth so they can heal…. Men love women. 8M subscribers in the AskMen community. In my wife’s words “I’m too busy being succcessful to be a feminist. The usual explanation for this is that widowhood is more likely to cause financial difficulties for women than for men, and financial strain reduces psychological well-being. •. Have each other's (Happily) married men of reddit, after how long of dating your wife did you know she was it? Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. She'll be done with her accounting degree soon and so should have a much higher earning potential than I do. Once she's satisfied (yes, giggity), I'm clear of mind to satisfy myself (and yes, more giggity). They may be otherwise happy, have kids they adore, etc. I have found myself wondering if a happy marriage is even possible, and seeing some of the posts is so refreshing. Go for someone that has the same goals as you and you think you could be with for the rest of your life. Happily married here. I question whether the girlies on tiktok and Twitter are lying. We don’t read the rules, but we’ll post anyway Men who stay unmarried make anywhere from 10 to 40 percent less than married men. It seems like once your married as a women, you have already completed half of your goal. " The fact is, love IS friendship. They will often be unhappy after some time, singleness does grow old, or only learn to be happy single later on. For some reason she hopped the fence in my case. It's as natural to us as breathing. Men will flirt until a girl is like super wanting to fuck you. While there are unmarried males without children who may fee like a loner, there are certainly others who enjoy that lifestyle. However, any issue that pertains to men's relationship to society is also a topic suitable for this subreddit. Men are the same. Successful marriage depends upon lots of factor and finding a non toxic genuine partner is the major one. Men don't take hints. is 27 and for grooms it's around 29. The only label I like is human cause it allows a more open view on people in general. He lives about 3 hours away from me and only in town for training once ever 3-6 months if that. She will grow old. I do agree with you about men being wise to somewhat delay marriage. I saw this first hand with my first wife. DON'T: stifle them about their hobbies. I was 25. Every night. You can definitely be happy single but human nature of seeking intimacy / being social can creep in from time to time. We are confident to the point that after 7 years we're ready to get married The problem is it's kind of hard to have a wedding with this new spike in the disease. Sacrifice is moving to another city because your spouse has their dream job there. She met most things on my list (I was quite picky). I was in the military for 4 years and worked as a heavy equipment mechanic. That's why red pill philosophy relies so heavily on discipline. We talk to each other. The woman that will love you and kiss you and hide your flaws and bring out your best. The inner dynamics of their marriages isn’t anything I would know, though. Once the kids are in bed, I hang out with the wife for just a little while and then go down and play video games on my PC. Of course you can incorporate some of that into your marriage but for the most part you settle into a routine. He is a perfect husband and I could never have asked for a better man, even if I made him myself. Whatever the topic of a post is, it will draw on the people who most closely relate to what is stated in the original post. Try ko nalang din sagutin ang mga katanungan, at sana may mapulot ka, OP. For her it almost seemed like she knew less than 3 months into our relationship. unshifted. Her looks, like everyone's, will fade. The thought of spending the rest of my life like this is soul crushing. Anyone at any age with at any success level with any relationship status can have crushes. M is also married with children. After reading the "why do so many married men regret or just hate their Many of the men here are in dead bedrooms or have lost emotional connection with their spouse. I'm in my late 30s, my wife is in her early 30s. 3. They say "Happy Wife, Happy Life", and it's true. Commitment and compromise. Spend any time on social media and you'll eventually hear "no 50-50! Rest in your divine femininity ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฝ". Reply reply circa285 ADMIN MOD. The mental health crisis among men is the only one where the solution always seems to be “men need to change,” whereas the solution to every other groups mental health crisis is “everyone else needs to change around them. These men are not trying to build a society since there will always be a mob in a society. 0. • 3 yr. In this case, short men in relationships. ” I married a woman from a good family (parents married for several decades and in love) with ambition who doesn’t have some sort of feminist chip on her shoulder thereby making her a better feminist then the blue hair land whales you see today. They might have an “easy” marriage without any real problems. 5. 1 baby boy. "Don't ever, ever take jabs at her/the marriage in public. You can be wrong and happy or right and miserable. You both created this mess and the only real victim is her husband. Changing as a person is more difficult when married. I hope for her sake "happily". The chemistry between us was through the roof from the moment we met. You seem to postulate that men married under 7 years cannot offer advice because their marriage will fail. Women don't take hints. Through school or in my extended family, I’m going to say roughly 70% still married, 30% split. 4. Happy as a clam. If he goes further, go to HR. Reply reply. I’m happily married because my wife tells me I am Unless your wife is actively being abusive, which may very well be true based on a statement like this, don’t be a little bitch. Statistically, the divorce rate is about 40%, leaving 60% married. They’re more likely to find joy in sacrificing for those they love, agree The average age of a first-time bride in the U. They stick with the girl until they find someone better. 12 years (5 married): I initiated the divorce because neither of us were truly happy with our environment and she was never going to be confident enough to make a change Messed around for the better part of a year. It seems like women who are conventionally pretty tend to happily marry in their early twenties to their high school or college sweethearts who i especially envy, its those who are not conventionally pretty that remain alone throughout their thirties or The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Increased masculinity is positively associated with romantic success. Secrets: Know that love is being a friend to your spouse. I have been married for 25 years, we are on the verge of divorce. There’s evidence that fathers make up to 21 percent more than men without children, though studies also suggest men with wives and kids work longer hours and put up with more workplace bullshit than single men. Being married and having kids is not for everyone. Like truly, madly, deeply, worship him and all he does for me and our family. I do much of the cooking, I help with cleaning, I wash the cars, etc etc etc If she's happy, I feel good, and therefore I The expectation of who you would meet and connecting with someone new is both new (duh) and exciting. I found that I really only wanted one friend, my Wife and then my Daughter when she was born. Yes, some men would be happy living the bachelor life forever, other men are perfectly happy and fulfilled being a family man. If my wife is smiling, I'm smiling. The question is do you work your way through the downs or just move on. but cheating to meet that basic need. We will be together 2 years in December. Dec 5, 2023 ยท 6. We met at the office when we were our early twenties, dated for 1 1/2 years and then got married. It isn't something my wife does that makes me happy. Very few people hit a homerun their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time up at bat. Definitely not the honeymoon phase anymore but we still love and respect each other and can always laugh and talk about things. To start off, this post is in no way intended to downplay or discredit women (or anyone) who was a victim of male harassment or worse. I love my husband [38], we have been happily married for >10 yrs. Keeping a marriage alive for longer than twice the median length shows, to me, that you would at least have some idea on how to handle and manage fights and conflicts. Recently my wife an I had some discussions on the matter. ) We got married young. She checked all the boxes (smart, funny, cute & kind). married 28years, together for 30 years - we are very happily married. Happily married here for 7 years and with one kid. That said, my attraction for her has never waned despite being together for nearly 20 years. Very masculine men also put more effort into relationship building. I'm 30 years old, happily married and have 2 amazing kids. She’s coming to terms with her own identity… one that I was already partially aware of before we got married. After one date with my wife, absolutely, without a doubt knew she was the one. So your guess of probably 30% are "happy" couples is probably right. Going to new places, learning new things. Maybe it has something to do with my BPD but I just feel like I can connect with other Men or Women like I used to. Marriage is a lot of work, marriage is hard. Being able to recognize the beauty without putting any sexual focus into it. Very masculine men are more likely to be married, feel loved in their marriage, and be always faithful to their romantic partners. I’m happily married because I’m not comparing my wife to other women. We are a women-only sub for women who can't date/start relationships, have sex, feel attractive, etc. Men's rights are influenced by the way men are perceived by others. strawberry-frosting_. I (31M) have been married for 8 years to a great girl (32F). So, there is a line there between the two. ” Actually, there isn't that much of a difference in how women and men react emotionally. Others were just doomed from the start. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I'm madly in love with my husband of 10 years. We were shooting for the marriage in February, but our finances are not in the right place for that right now so we are pushing it back to 2025. Dated for 6 years, currently married in our 7th year. I think about her fairly often. Single people are never always happy with their singledom. ni uc zd rg og gu fi fc ia tx