Romanian gypsy surnames
Romanian gypsy surnames. . Gypsy Family in Prison, 1864 painting by Carl d´Unker, a Swedish painter living and working in Düsseldorf. Hagi : It is a surname of Persian origin common in Romania. It means"Child of Flower". She has also provided an important timeline in British history affecting the Romani, as well as a bibliography, and a list of publications about specific Gypsy surnames, useful addresses, online sources, and a glossary. These names often carry significant meaning, rooted in the Romani people’s diverse ancestry and migration patterns. From George Bush, to Bill Clinton, to Harrison Apr 27, 2023 · Many Jewish surnames became anglicized by transliteration or translation when families arrived in England or North America, for example David to Davis, Levi to Levin, Lucas or Lewis. Those who had only been previously known by a patronymic such as Levi ben David or Miriam bat Solomon chose a name under which they would be known in their new country. In this essay we introduce the population referred to as ‘German Gypsies. My Ancestors were Gypsies (My Ancestor Series) is also available from Amazon. (This includes names derived at an older stage of the language. He certainly wasn`t Roma. Yul Brynner – Russian-American actor and honorary president of the International Romani Union. Linguistic and genetic evidence suggests that the Romani originated in the Indian The Gypsy Lore Society Collections at Liverpool University may be able to help with researching well-known surnames. Romani Realities in the United States - Harvard University; Gypsy Violins Hungarian Slovak Gypsies in America, 2012 by Steve Piskor ISBN 978-0-578-09989-7; Gypsy Fires in America p. Aug 25, 2022 · What do Gypsies call non Gypsies? A gorger is a Romani word for a non-Romani person. ’. Nosferatu. The Sasytka Roma and Polska Roma form a large group, the group calls itself Polska Roma. Exotic, mythical or Biblical names such as Sampson, Nelson, Liberty, Britannia or Cinderella were popular and can be a sign of Gypsy ancestry. 0. 00am until. Ivanov. Other Romanichal and Irish Oct 6, 2021 · Romanian Vampire Last Names. The Romani people in Brazil ( Portuguese: Ciganos no Brasil) are known by non-Romani Brazilians as ciganos ( Portuguese: [siˈɡɐ̃nus -ˈnuʃ] ), or alternatively by terms such as boêmios, judeus (in Minas Gerais) and quicos (in Minas Gerais and São Paulo ), in various degrees of accuracy of use and etymology as well as linguistic prestige. It is a variation of “Albescu. 27 Jul 2020 #53. Ardelean Romanian. Some names may appear as variations, such as Lea or Leigh instead of Lee, Shore instead of Shaw and Grey instead of Gray. Darnaty f Romani (Archaic) Daval m Romani (Archaic) Daweli m Romani. t. Popov. The Romani, also spelled Romany or Rromani ( / ˈroʊməni / ROH-mə-nee or / ˈrɒməni / ROM-ə-nee) and colloquially known as the Roma ( sg. " JAELLE : Perhaps a Romani form of the biblical Hebrew name Yael (English Jael ), meaning "chamois," "ibex," or "mountain goat. Group names of this kind do not necessarily reflect the historical reality of the community. 13. [1] [2] [3] They were traditionally itinerant, but today only a small percentage of Sinti . Vadoma is probably the Romany feminine form of the Russian name Vadim. Since the Roma almost exclusively use the romano nav ‘Romani name’ to identify themselves and to address other community members (see the next section), the func- Romani people. taking from her 3 Gold-rings, and 9 s. The Romani people are a distinct ethnic and cultural group of peoples living all across the globe, who share a family of languages and sometimes a traditional nomadic mode of life. In Transylvania, the so-called Hungarian Roma (used to) live among ethnic Hungarians, while the Romanian Roma among the Romanian-speaking pop - ulation. What are Gypsy rules? Gypsy law is grounded in unusual superstitions that see unguarded contact with the lower half of the human body as ritually polluting, ritual defilement as physically contagious, and non-Gypsies as in an extreme state of such defilement. Presidents having “Romani” roots is not unusual. Balan – of Romanian and Jewish origin, meaning “blond. Mar 6, 2023 · Romani, also known as Gypsy, last names can vary widely and may be influenced by the language and culture of the country where the family resides or originated from. East Surrey Family History Society is holding a virtual family history show by Zoom on Saturday 28 January 2023. The name Gypsy (Gyftos = Γύφτος) sometimes used for the Romani people was first given to them by the Greeks, who supposed them to be Egyptian in origin. Worldwide, there are an estimated 8-10 million Whatever the surname of your Romany or Traveller ancestors, you are sure to find a reference or two in this new Collection – and in Gypsy Roma Traveller History The word Gypsy is an English term for a people seen as either carefree Romantic wanderers, or lazy untrustworthy lowlifes - both definitely outsiders. : Rom ), are an ethnic group of Indo-Aryan origin [71] [72] [73] who traditionally lived a nomadic, itinerant lifestyle. personal/first name) of a Romani person which appears in the certificate of birth and other official docu-ments. The following list of surnames are surnames that i have come across in the research of the Romany, there are many more (perhaps hundreds) of surnames that are not on this list, it is estimated that there are over 5,000 Romany surnames in England, those surnames followed by a (#) have information, that is in most cases, a Census. As a girl’s name, Luminita ranked 147th in Romania in 2014. The Polska Roma are the descendants of the Sasytka Roma (German Roma, they are not Sinti). Gillie. This includes the Romanichal, Welsh Kale and a sizeable population of Eastern European Roma, who immigrated into the UK in the late 1990s/early 2000s and after EU expansion in 2004. The majority are homeless and stateless. May 14, 2024 · The history of Irish gypsy surnames can be traced back to ancient times, revealing a fascinating story of migration and cultural exchange. Gratiela Brancusi – American-Romanian actress. Generally, Jews had lived comfortably with Pages in category "Romanian-language surnames" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 712 total. . FLORICA: Romani name perhaps derived from the Romanian word Floarea, meaning "flower. Acs is an occupational surname for a ‘carpenter. The Romani of England call themselves Gypsies, Romanies, Romany Gypsies or (in Angloromani) Romanichal, those of Scandinavia (in Scandinavian Apr 27, 2017 · By gathering other types of information about a person or a family, it may be possible to confirm that you have Gypsy blood. Jesús Castro - Spanish actor. Yet, the number was probably much higher, as 10,422 Bosnians stated that Romani was their native language. Antonio Gómez Alfaro. 23% of the population. The main family surnames included in this Collection are: Romani people, or Roma ( Serbian: Роми, romanized : Romi ), are the fourth largest ethnic group in Serbia, numbering 131,936 (1. 1. May 21, 2024 · 12. Roughly 40% of those “Europeans” had been labeled “Gypsy” by the British. com (affiliate link). A grant proposal signed by Nobel prize winner Ferdinand Sauerbruch Rooted in the Romani people’s long history of migration and adaptation, these surnames hold stories of resilience, creativity, and survival. Early German Gypsy Surnames. The reason for their imprisonment remains unknown. Privately published by the author, 2023. Romani form of Diana. 18% of the total population, which alone makes them the largest minority in the country, although various estimations have put the number of Romani people as high as 8. During the years of the Third Reich, Gypsies, together with Jews, attracted the special attention of German geneticists [ 9 ]. It was alleged he had robbed "one Rebecca Sellers, near the High way, . [3] [4] Estimates that correct for undercounting suggest Sandro de América – Argentine actor. Unisex. Lennor. This is a huge part of American history that just isn’t talked about. Romanian Gypsies: Jones, Stevens, Nichols, Lucas, Westerns, Georges, Morgans, Gilks, Stanleys These are common English surnames from the Romany & Traveller Family Mar 12, 2024 · 1. 98%) according to the 2022 census. The Romani or Roma are a nomadic ethnic group, often pejoratively referred to as Gypsies, who have been in the Americas since the first Romani people reportedly arrived on Christopher Columbus’ third voyage in 1498. Other names used by outsiders for these peoples are Cigany, Tsigane, Gitan, Zingaro, Zigeuner, the list Sansparella, and the nickname Sansby, are female gypsy names that come from the French phrase sans pareil. Farkas - This surname was derived from an Old Slovak name and also the Hungarian word for “wolf. Marek Kuczyński, once a known anarchist in 1980s and 90s. From the Romanian region of Ardeal, also called Transylvania. Romani people in Hungary (also known as roma or Romani Hungarians; Hungarian: magyarországi romák, magyar cigányok) are Hungarian citizens of Romani descent. In Spanish, it’s a girl’s name meaning “illuminating. 2 percent of the population. May 4, 2022 · Albescu - This last name is derived from the Romanian word “alb” which means “white. It means"son of Cosme. Due to their nomadic nature, they are not concentrated in a specific geographical area, but are dispersed all over the country. ”. Marinov. Gypsies, also known as Romani people, have been a part of England’s cultural landscape for centuries, and their surnames are a testament to their nomadic lifestyle and unique heritage. Germany has an estimated 170,000-300,000 Roma/Gypsies and Sinti, the majority of whom do not have citizenship. Each surname tells a unique story, connecting individuals to their rich and vibrant cultural identity. This is because the pagan magicians were called veduny, which means ‘the knowing ones. A 2013 article on the prevalence of ethnonymic surnames in the Hungarian language written by Farkas indicates that the most common surname of "Romanian/Gypsy/Hungarian origin" in Hungary is "Móré," which means "Romanian, Gypsy" (Farkas 2013, 506). Andrei. Other Romanichal and Irish The Romengiro Lav ("Romani word") writer's circle encouraged works by authors like Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pankov and Nina Dudarova. These gypsy baby names for girls range from common to unique. Historically Jacob Rewbrey. They are found mostly in Germany, France and Italy and Central Europe, numbering some 200,000 people. Barbaneagra – this old Romani name means “black beard. Michael Caine – English actor. Romany Gypsy Girl Names. They showcase the diversity and unique heritage of the Roma people in Hungary, while also serving as a reminder of the values and experiences that have shaped their identity. Jul 18, 2019 · Gypsies. It becomes “little light” with the diminutive “luminiță. Oct 5, 2023 · 100 Popular Hungarian Surnames Or Last Names. [1] Though their exact origins were unclear, [2] recent studies show Kashmir in Northwest India is the most probable point of Sinti people in Rhine Province, Germany, 1935. It means"Son of Olaru". Gypsy is a derivative of Egyptian, from where English-speakers thought Gypsies originated. By Lesley Valentine. Mar 12, 2024 · 1. Mar 18, 2024 · That being said, despite people having surname Cygan, unless you live as a Roma within Europe, it's hard to understand what being Cygan really is like on a daily basis. This project originally started as a personal journey in one persons attempts to map out his Romany family tree, but as so many families are closely intertwined, it very quickly grew out of hand and turned into what you find before you here today; a heritage project dedicated to finding, tracking and recording any mention of Romany Gypsy families and individuals between the years Jul 18, 2019 · Gypsies. The etymologists believe that this name has its roots in the Slavic element vadic, which means ‘to know’. Boy. 214 by Irving Brown, 1924 - Irving Brown writes about Braddock, Pa Gypsies Romani people. " e. Faw or Faa, an ethnic term for Gypsies in the north of England, was a common surname among border Gypsies [3,4], and neither Andree and Baptista is recorded elsewhere in our Scottish name references, so they may have been typical of Gypsy families. Romani people in Germany are estimated to around 170,000 [1] -300,000, [1] constituting around 0. Feher - Commonly used as a nickname for someone with white hair or a fair complexion. Ciobanu Romanian. [1] Jan 12, 2020 · Explore the most common surnames in Romania. [1] However, the number of Roma is usually underreported, with estimates placing the Roma population at 7–11% of the population. Cosmescu : Romanian surname. Linguistic and genetic evidence suggests that the Romani originated in the Indian Darklis f Romani (Archaic) Either a Romani corruption of Dorcas or derived from the English word darkless "free from darkness". sing. STARTING -A-: Roma, traditionally Țigani (often called "Gypsies" though this term is typically considered a slur), constitute one of Romania's largest minorities. Vekoň or Máti/Maty. The Norwegian and Swedish Romanisæl Travellers ( Norwegian: romanifolket, tatere, sigøynere; Swedish: resande, zigenare, tattare; Scandoromani: romanisæl, romanoar, rom (m)ani, tavringer/ar, tattare) are a group or branch of the Romani people who have been resident in Norway and Sweden for some 500 years. Saša Barbul – Serbian actor. About 20,000 to 30,000 are new refugees from Romania, Slovakia and the former Yugoslavia. Dec 1, 1995 · Romani Americans (Roma). Who was the leader of the Romanian Gypsies? Florin Cioaba was Romania’s self-appointed ”King of Gypsies all over the world”. 3 per cent of the population), Romani (Gypsy) leaders believe that the actual figure is around 250,000. " GYPSY : Old English name meaning "Bohemian, rover. Prior to the 1800's German Gypsies were given the titles of Jauner,Gauner,Umherziehir or labelled as a "Jewish Bandit" these terms were Vague and given to most travelling peoples by the early 1800's they titled them "Zigeuner" by the mid 1800's the Policing Authorities decided to collect genealogical data similar to Jan 7, 2021 · The term 'gypsy' has become synonymous with the Romani people in many regions. Many Irish gypsy surnames have their roots in the Indian subcontinent, specifically in the Romani language. These surnames are a testament to the rich and diverse heritage of the Irish Traveller community. Origin: Romanian, Spanish. Means "blond" in Romanian. 8% of the total Juan F Gamella. Meaning Gypsy refers to a specific ethnic group but rather believe the term refers to a chosen lifestyle associated with creativity, musicality, freedom, and nomadism. 4% of the population. Around 1750 there were only 250,000 “Europeans” in the Colonies. Some others include Shaw, Gray and Draper. Being Roma is romanticized in America, but it's much deeper, complex, and historically difficult topic, so if you want to understand this history and current issues based on A to Z list of Male Gypsy Names, Roma Names, Romani Names, Romany Names 20000-NAMES. Olarescu : Romanian surname. Sep 22, 2023 · The Romani were a frequent subject of interest for the communities they camped near; popular myths and tales centering on the Romani circulated in many local areas. Sinto; fem. This new book is therefore likely to be the first ever to document the history of this family and the associated families who travelled and intermarried with them. Tells you about the world "Gypsy" and Hungarian Slovak Gypsies. 44%. Mala. e. Feb 3, 2020 · Romanian surnames of Bulgarian origin. Thank you for any information. Bancroft – this English-sounding name means “dweller by the bean field. Dennard is one of the rarer surnames to be found in Britain’s Romany Gypsy community. However, due to a legacy of poor birth registration and some other factors, this official number is likely underestimated. Radu. Stefanov. Common Romani surnames include Petrov, Popov, and Ivanov. 1552 woodcut of a Romani family. It is derived from the Hungarian element ‘ alma ,’ meaning ‘apple. Robert Dawson, Gypsy expert, holds a list of nearly every Gypsy surname in the country. Monisha. Apr 1, 2024 · Ian’s Romany Gypsy ancestors originated and lived and travelled mainly in the West Country – Cornwall, Devon, Wiltshire, Dorset, Gloucestershire and Somerset – but also in neighbouring counties across southern England: from Hampshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire to Sussex and Kent. Charlie Chaplin – English comic actor [28] Lyalya Chyornaya Nov 13, 2018 · It might be used by Polish Gypsies like other Polish surnames. in Money" in January of that year. The history of Roma in Greece goes back to the 15th century. Romani people, commonly known by the pejorative term Gypsies, have been in the Americas since 1498, when Columbus brought some on his third voyage to the West Indies. What are the Romanian Gypsy last names? Some common Romanian Gypsy last names include Bălășescu, Ciobanu, Cozma, Damian, Dănilă, Enache, Florescu, and Gabor. Ambrosia. Andrei - This is the Romanian form of “Andrew” and it means “brave” or “manly. Georgiev May 5, 2023 · Find gorgeous Gypsy names for boys and girls with fascinating origins and powerful meanings to pay homage to your Romani heritage. The Sasytka Roma are also called Pluniaki. COM: Male Gypsy Names, Roma Names, Romani Names, Romany Names, page 1 of 1--meaning, origin, etymology Main Menu | Contact | Surnames | Links | 20000-surnames Information. There are about 20,000 Romani Americans (Roma) in Texas, out of a national population of about one million. [3] [4] The largest wave of Romani immigrants came from the Balkans, Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia region in the late 19th century following the abolition of slavery in Oct 31, 2009 · I'm curious as to whether anyone has a list or knows of any common Gypsy or Romani surnames from Poland, specifically Bergitka Carpathian Roma. They mean peerless, unmatched, uncomparable. Meaning: Little light. Each name carries a significant meaning and reflects the traditions and beliefs of this unique community. 155 x 234mm paperback, 72 pages. The Romani people, commonly referred to as Gypsies—a term that can be considered derogatory and is not preferred by many within the community—originated in northern India over a thousand years ago. Cojocaru Romanian. Mireli. About one-third of Romanis are Sinti, who are settled in various parts of Germany. Pet form of the name Nicolae, meaning victor of the people. " Florescu : Romanian surname. It refers to a person who sells or harvests apples. Genetic studies of the Roma have been conducted for over 70 years, with thousands of individuals sampled across Europe. ’ We then proceed to examine forms of organization and modern representation of identity, focusing especially on the dichotomy between two distinct self-images: the first, of a minority based in German territory and culture yet distinct from mainstream German society; the second, of a group that belongs to a Hmm good question I do like how they don’t sugar coat People’s opinion, the Shelbys get called p*keys, people are shocked to learn a businessman is a gypsy “import and export but I also sell pegs and tell fortunes” the wagons and hunting rabbits and what not are real lifestyle (still today for some) the burning of their wagon when someone dies is real the language is real the surnames Gadžikano nav ‘non-Romani name’ is the official given name (i. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. e. 2-0. She suggested that if your surname is Boswell, Loveridge, Doe or Lee, there’s a great chance your ancestors may have been Birmingham gypsies. Dec 4, 2023 · Some common Romany Gypsy last names include Cooper, Smith, Lee, Boswell, Lovell, Doe, Wood, Young and Heron. What are Kent Gypsy surnames? Rossiter Gypsies Means "son of Anton ". Sintesa) are a subgroup of Romani people. DNA & Gypsy Migrations. Acheron. View gallery. 27 Jul 2020 #54. What are the common Roma Gypsy surnames? Common Roma Gypsy surnames include Young, Taylor, Smith, Shaw/Shore, Lea/Leigh, Gray/Grey, Draper, Cooper, and Boswell. Since the Roma almost exclusively use the romano nav ‘Romani name’ to identify themselves and to address other community members (see the next section), the func- The Traveller – Tinker – Gypsy Surname Index of Great Britain Updated 8/03/2010 BEALE 1624 (Ref Journal of the Romany and Traveller Family History Society) BEAM/BEAMY 1881 (Devonshire, Kent) (See Robert Dawson ARITF) BEAN York (St Stephen Kingston on Hull 1871 BEANEY/ BEENEY 1673 (Ref Journal of the Romany and Traveller Family History Society) Gadžikano nav ‘non-Romani name’ is the official given name (i. According to the 1991 census, there were 8,864 Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina or 0. Aug 22, 2007 · The given names are entirely typical for this part of Scotland. pawian 223 | 24,583. The Polska Roma Kings (Siero Rom) is from the Sasytka Roma group. The Romani people in Portugal, known in spoken Portuguese as ciganos ( Portuguese pronunciation: [siˈɣɐnuʃ] ), but also alternatively known as calés, calós, and boémios, are a minority ethnic group. From Romanian cioban meaning "shepherd". An 80 page published study. Acs. Jan 7, 2024 · Baciu – an occupational Romanian name meaning “leader of the shepherds. Apr 2, 2001 · The "Track Record" of Genetics. Petrov. In 1783, the King of Spain Carlos III enacted the last Royal Order for the control and assimilation of Gitanos or Calé. Say ‘hello’ to the RTFHS team online this Saturday – 28 January 2023 – at the East Surrey FHS family history show by Zoom Posted Jan 25, 2023 By Web Master. Miloslaw 21 | 5,195. This list may not reflect recent changes. The exact numbers of Romani people in the country are unknown—estimates vary from 40,000 to 60,000. The Sinti (also Sinta or Sinte; masc. Vasilev. ) According to the Ministry, around 42 percent of the Romani population in BiH is below 19 years old. Deadle m Romani (Archaic) Deana f Romani. Bălan Romanian. Aug 21, 2023 · About Us. Bucur - This name of Romanian origin means “happiness. Other names used by outsiders for these peoples are Cigany, Tsigane, Gitan, Zingaro, Zigeuner, the list Nov 14, 2022 · How did Romany Gypsies become part of British society and culture? This BBC documentary explores their history, identity and challenges, featuring personal stories and insights from Romany Gypsies Apr 4, 2024 · Overall, Hungarian Roma surnames provide a fascinating insight into the history, culture, and identity of this vibrant community. Meaning: River of woe or sorrow. Nicu. Aug 1, 2015 · American Roma Surnames Post by D J Thornton » Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:59 am Well, I didn't know wher to find my Roma but according to this list, which also contains Melungeon surnames I have many, some of which are my hardest to research from my fathers families, though a few go into my maternal grandmothers, Oct 9, 2023 · Romanian pet form of Ion; God is gracious. Romani people have been recorded in the United Kingdom since at least the early 16th century. Barbu – a cool Romanian name meaning “beard. Almassy. Balogh - This Hungarian last name is derived from the Hungarian word “Balog” which means “left-handed. Profile. The name of the swing guittarist Daweli Reinhardt. Did you know Dracula is from Transylvania, which is in Romania? These surnames below could have very well been his last name! So, if you’re looking for a Romanian last name with a spooky and immortal ring to it, try these vampire-inspired surnames. Self-designation varies: In Central and Eastern Europe, Roma is common. The law required that Darklis f Romani (Archaic) Either a Romani corruption of Dorcas or derived from the English word darkless "free from darkness". According to data collected by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography in 2000, they numbered 15,850, [1] however, the total number is likely larger. A General Association of the Gypsies of Romania was established in 1933 with the holding of a national conference and the publication of two journals, Neamul Țiganesc ("Gypsy nation") and Timpul "time"). There is a significant Roma population in Mexico, most being the descendants of past migrants. It is possibly derived from Hungarian erdő meaning "forest". What percentage of Romania is Gypsy? About 3% of the population of Romania, or approximately 600,000 people, is Roma Gypsy. They are closely related to Xaladitka Roma, or "Ruska Means "son of Anton ". Hungarian-born American architect Gabor Acs is a famous namesake. "Alias king of the Gypsies", from the St Margaret's Westminster, was tried at the Old Bailey on 28 August 1700 for theft with violence and highway robbery. There are estimated to be around 225,000 Romani residing in the UK. May 22, 2024 · Though the estimated Romani (Gypsy) population according to the 2014 census was around 9,000 (0. And the name Sanspereil was given to several ships, including a French warship captured by Britain in the 1800s. Loosely, the term describes a traveler of exotic origins, believed to have tricks up his/her sleeves and magical charms at the tips of his/her fingers. Kaven. Vadoma. The surnames are a little unusual. According to the 2011 census, they comprise 3. List of gypsy girl names featuring Irish and Romani traveler names. Juan Perez. Nicusor. These are Czech names. There are two sessions: 10. Forebears knows about 153,732 unique surnames in Romania and there are 130 people per name. Apr 16, 2023 · Luminita is a memorable surname that derives from the Romanian “lumină,” meaning “light. An actual imprisoned family served as the models. The Romani people are known by a variety of names, mostly under the broad categories of gipsy, tsinganoi, Bohémiens, and Roma. It derives from the word"Florea"which means"flower"and is a feminine name in Romania. 2 These two stereotypes — positive and negative — are often paired. The community of Gypsy, in Harrison County, was named for the traveling groups of Romani who once favored the bottomlands of the West Fork River as a camping spot. Apr 4, 2024 · The Romani people, also known as the Roma or Gypsies, have a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in their names and surnames. According to the 2011 census, their number was 621,573 people or 3. May 10, 2024 · What are the Travellers surnames? What are common Traveller surnames? Travellers share common surnames such as Ward, Connors, Carty, O’Brien, Cash, Coffey, Furey, MacDonagh, and Mohan. Here, I use Roma as an umbrella ethnonym (singular Rom, adjective Romani) because it emerged as a unifying Aug 22, 2022 · The Most Common Hungarian Surnames. Their subsequent forced transportation brought The word Gypsy is an English term for a people seen as either carefree Romantic wanderers, or lazy untrustworthy lowlifes - both definitely outsiders. 3% of the total population, being the second-largest ethnic minority in Romania after Hungarians. English Gypsy surnames often have a mysterious allure, with meanings that trace back to ancient traditions and customs. Albu - This is another Romanian surname that means “white. Lolli. Finally, this name was also given to a British steam locomotive, also in the 1800s. Such mistaken beliefs are predicated on the jobs the Romani obtained during their constant travels. According to the last census from 2021, there were 67,179 persons counted as Romani people in Slovakia ( Slovak: Rómovia na Slovensku ), or 1. Romani people. There are four main characteristics to look out for in an individual: Typical Romany surname: common ones include Cooper, Smith, Lee, Boswell, Lovell, Doe, Wood, Young and Heron. [1] In Mexico, they are commonly known as gitanos or rom . While birth, marriage & death records offer a wealth of information regarding our Romany & Traveller ancestors, census records are equally as informative and in certain aspects, offer far more information regarding family units or inter-family relationships if two or more families can be found encamped together. Romani groups which live in Hungary or among ethnic Hun-garians in Slovakia or Romania. 2. tg aw kt yk wj xn mv hg md iz