Love2d graphics

Love2d graphics. Creates a new PixelEffect object for hardware-accelerated pixel level effects. 由于现在的模板不会显示未翻译全的部分(要是能显示该多好啊),所以一个页面上穷举排列的部分都是英文是很正常的,你需要做的是点击那个英文页面,然后祈祷在这个页面下i18n(Other Languages)里中文的链接是亮着的 如果没有人翻译过, 请见下一节 编辑这个维基。 Desenhar uma linha do centro da tela para a seta do mouse. Support for HDR Canvases. getWidth() / 2 -- metade da largura da tela a = love. newImage(filepath) width; La largeur de chaque sprite individuel. Gets the color mode (which controls how images are affected by the current color). Causes the window to request the attention of the user if it is not in the foreground. getDPIScale() would return 2 in that case. Sets the line width. newText. Santos. graphics es la de dibujar lineas, figuras, textos, Image (Imágenes) y otros objetos Drawable (dibujables) en la pantalla. Feb 22, 2021 · love. physics (简体中文) love. The highdpi window flag must be enabled to use the full pixel density of a Retina screen on Mac OS X and iOS. These effects are written in a language based on GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) with a few things simplified for easier coding. 除了简单地绘制之外,draw ()方法还可以旋转、缩放或平移物件 (比如,让图形在指定坐标系里居中 love. pop reverts to a previous love. It restores the current transformation to its default state. lua - Turtle graphics library for LÖVE. setBackgroundColor. A responsabilidade primária do módulo love. Contribute to love2d-community/love-api development by creating an account on GitHub. Sep 26, 2016 · love. Gets the height in pixels of the window. Available since LÖVE 11. If the active Canvas has just been changed and the "replace" BlendMode is about to be used to draw something Apr 2, 2023 · Shader. Esta função pode ser lenta, se for chamada repetidamente, como dentro de love. duration; Combien de temps dure l'animation avant de reboucler sur la première image. Jun 9, 2018 · To draw text, you simply call the love. update oder love. The arc is drawn from angle1 to angle2 in radians. Mar 9, 2023 · The purpose of a Quad is to use a fraction of a texture to draw objects, as opposed to drawing the entire texture. Wireframe mode should only be used for debugging. newShader. Changes the window size, or the display mode if fullscreen. draw wiederholt aufgerufen wird. discard. 1, when using translation and scaling functions while drawing text, this function assumes the scale occurs first. scale – they're always in pixels, or since 11. Jun 3, 2022 · Translate down and to the right by 10 pixels. In versions prior to 11. Some interesting places to go from here: License (Free!) Feb 14, 2022 · love. physics. Jun 3, 2022 · Rotates the coordinate system in two dimensions. 0. setShader. drawq( image, quad, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ) The whole LÖVE wiki in a Lua table. 4. 81. Nous allons supposer que tous les sprites ont la même taille. Configures or disables stencil testing. sort (modes, function (a, b) return a. Sets the background color. The book s written using a generator called Asciidoctor. It teaches basic computer science and software building skills along the way. Sets the default scaling filters used with Images, Canvases, and Fonts . org/w/index. 9. Creates a new Canvas object for offscreen rendering. translate (简体中文) Translates the coordinate system in two dimensions. origin is called Feb 18, 2024 · love. 1. 1 Synopsis; 1. Calling this function affects all future drawing operations by rotating the coordinate system around the origin by the given amount of radians. setStencil. graphics; Other Languages Feb 24, 2016 · love. When using a stencil or depth testing with an active Canvas, the stencil buffer or depth buffer must be explicitly enabled in setCanvas via the variants below. graphics (简体中文) 绘制图形图片,管理屏幕显示. setFont. draw has finished). Gets the current color. Restores the size and position of the window if it was minimized or maximized. printf both support UTF-8 encoding. It sets the BlendMode to alpha, enables all color component masks, disables wireframe mode and resets the current graphics Dec 27, 2015 · love. graphics features. hdrcanvas. stencil. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Aug 30, 2021 · Available since LÖVE 0. Jul 21, 2023 · function love. newFont in the loading stage and then passed to this function in the drawing stage. newImage Cria uma nova Imagem a partir de um caminho de arquivo, DadoDeArquivo ou DadoDeImagem . getStats. newPixelEffect. setShader will be drawn using the Shader object specified. shear or love. An area of examples and snippets containing best and known practices in game development. 1 Function. draw (). newArrayImage. Set an already-loaded Font as the current font or create and load a new one from the file and size. The geometry drawn by the supplied function sets invisible stencil values of pixels, instead of setting pixel colors. graphics Un objet image créé avec love. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Sölar - A fairly simple solar system simulator. minimize. The sizes of points are not affected by love. Removed in LÖVE 11. 11. Draws a filled or unfilled arc at position (x, y). Jul 12, 2020 · love. Creates a new SpriteBatch object. push, or love. image (简体中文) 为图像数据提供接口: love. triangle. l = love. newImage. Sets the display mode and properties of the window. LÖVE module for Dear ImGui, obtained by wrapping cimgui with LuaJIT FFI. When this function is called with two numbers, dx, and dy, all the following drawing operations take effect as if their x and y coordinates were x+dx and y+dy. A PixelEffect contains at least one function, named effect, which is the effect itself, but it can contain additional functions. Potential uses for shaders include HDR/bloom, motion Jan 1, 2019 · It's safe to assume the maximum texture size will always be 2048 or greater. mouse. setLineWidth. This is low-level functionality designed for use with custom vertex shaders and Meshes with custom vertex attributes. It has been renamed from love. No higher level APIs are provided to set the depth of 2D graphics such as shapes, lines love. setStencil with the mask inverted. getHeight() / 2 -- metade da altura da tela function love. shader. L'appel de cette fonction affecte toutes les opérations de tracé suivantes en faisant tourner le système de coordonnées autour de l'origine par la quanti de radians donnée. Jun 29, 2019 · love. The flag currently does nothing on Windows and Linux, and on Android it is Nov 25, 2022 · Löve Logo Graphics If you are looking to add an animated LÖVE-splashscreen to your game consider taking a look at the splashes library . A list of short tutorials that explain how to make all kinds of games like Snake, Tetris and Flappy Bird. The stencil buffer (which contains those stencil values) can Jul 16, 2021 · The global color set by love. Apr 29, 2024 · A numerical indexed table with the red, green, blue and alpha values as numbers. getScissor. So to get clean pixels drawn use 0. Usando um Quad para mostrar parte de uma Imagem: img = love. This feature is not completely supported on Windows (apparently an SDL bug, not a LÖVE bug). This function does not apply retroactively to loaded images. Cameras. fromPixels and love. 8. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love. line(l, a, mx, my) end. love archive (or source directory) The root folder of the game's save directory. The lines drawn with it enabled do not behave Apr 18, 2023 · love. Remember, the translation is reset at the end of each love. It's a full-featured Entity-Component-System framework for making games with LUA. graphics 是 LÖVE 的核心组件,是一切绘制的基础。. A dynamic ListBox for Jun 30, 2023 · love. A message library for LOVE. love2d. Les Objects sont tracés relativement à leurs systèmes de coordonnées locaux. The passed function draws to the stencil instead of the screen, creating an image with transparent and opaque pixels. Since this function enqueues a screenshot capture rather than executing it immediately, it can be called from an input callback or love. 3 Returns; 2 Example; 3 See Also; 4 Other Languages Nov 8, 2021 · love. Discards (trashes) the contents of the screen or active Canvas. Creates a new array Image . Changing the display mode may have side effects: for example, Canvases will be cleared; make sure to save their contents beforehand. 2 Arguments; 1. setIcon. Nov 5, 2023 · The default "alphamultiply" alpha mode should normally be preferred except when drawing content with pre-multiplied alpha. Sep 9, 2016 · love. setStencilTest. mouse (简体中文) 提供鼠标接口的模块. window module as love. present, which for the default implementation of love. Dec 28, 2018 · 0. newImage("cogumelo-64x64. draw . line(200,50, 400,50, 500,300, 100,300, 200,50) -- last pair is a repeat to complete the trapezoid end Oct 21, 2022 · Modify love. Creates a new drawable Text object. print(num, 100, 150) The default text rendering function can handle line breaks (the '\n' character) and will draw text aligned to the left: love. Tove2d - Animated vector graphics for LÖVE. Provides an interface to the user's filesystem. May 28, 2019 · Function. The segments parameter determines how many segments are used to draw the arc. getColor. getPosition() -- posição atual do mouse love. newSpriteBatch. A messagebox system with multiple-choices, typing effect + sounds and more. png") -- Digamos que queiramos mostrar somente o quadrante -- 32x32 superior esquerdo da Imagem: superior_esquerdo = love. getHeight. It's the same as love. math. 0 , in DPI-scaled units . newImage to treat file names ending with "@2x", "@3x", etc. Sets the render target to a specified Canvas. height < b. Jun 11, 2023 · Use Mesh:setTexture if the Mesh should be textured with an Image or Canvas when it's drawn. This function is not supported in that and later versions. 平移坐标系中的原点x和y的位置。. The folder containing the game's . requestAttention. rotate (Français) Pivote le système de coordonnées en deux dimensions. Jul 20, 2019 · Available since LÖVE 0. window. Creates a new Image from a filepath, FileData, an ImageData, or a CompressedImageData, and optionally generates or specifies mipmaps for the image. Gets the system-dependent maximum values for love. Dec 12, 2023 · love. captureScreenshot. getDimensions gets the dimensions of the window in units scaled by the screen's DPI scale factor, rather than pixels. Dec 27, 2015 · love. translate. setCanvas. 10. print and love. As you probably know by now, LÖVE is a framework for making 2D games in the Lua programming language. update ou love. setStencilTest, it has replaced love. Here's an example: function love. filesystem. arc. draw call, or a love. Version 11. Oct 27, 2016 · love. Jun 27, 2019 · love. stencil and love. Resets the current coordinate transformation. Use love. draw() local mx, my = love. rotate, love. Apr 25, 2022 · love. LÖVE is totally free, and can be used in anything from friendly open-source hobby projects, to evil, closed-source commercial ones. Sets or resets a Shader as the current pixel effect or vertex shaders. This function is not supported in earlier versions. The alpha is optional and defaults to 1 if it is left out. L'origine est par défaut située Jan 18, 2019 · Controls whether shapes are drawn as an outline, or filled. SYSL-Pixel - Pixel art focused scaler for graphics, position, screen-captures and shaders. math (简体中文) 提供平台无关的数学运算函数。 love. Apr 1, 2018 · love. getSystemLimit. polygon instead. Oct 10, 2022 · This book teaches programming from the ground up in the context of Lua and LÖVE. Dec 24, 2013 · To draw these objects, we are going to use. graphics é desenhar linhas, formas, texto, Imagens e outros objetos do tipo Desenhável na tela. For the sake of this tutorial I will assume that you are using cubes of equal size as we are working on making a grid of the cubes. Suas responsabilidades secundárias incluem carregar arquivos externos (incluindo Imagens e Fontes) na memória, criar objetos especializados (como SistemasDePartículas ou Pinturas) e administrar a geometria da tela. Aug 30, 2013 · modes = love. Note: The default variable for the segments parameter varies between different versions of LÖVE. setPixelEffect. scale - their size is always in pixels. Changing the display mode may have side effects: for example, canvases will be cleared and values sent to shaders with Shader:send will be erased. Isometric graphics are quite popular in RPGs and strategy games, so learning how to draw a grid of isometric cubes could be useful. This change lasts until the next love. push / love. update and it will still capture all of what's Available since LÖVE 11. Move the coordinate system with the mouse: love. setDefaultImageFilter. getTextureTypes to check! This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love. In either case the arguments are interpreted as alternating x and y coordinates of the polygon's vertices. A dice module aimed for roguelikes. getCanvasFormats instead. setDefaultFilter. Nov 11, 2021 · love. If width or height is 0, setMode will use the width and height of the desktop. update or love. 81*64, true) --create a world for the bodies to exist in with horizontal gravity of 0 and vertical gravity of 9. newWorld(0, 9. turtle. Diese Funktion kann sehr langsam sein, wenn sie zum Beispiel in love. 3. getSystemLimits instead. random(5, screen_width-5) -- generate a "random" number for the x Aug 11, 2021 · As of LOVE 0. getColorMode. setDepthMode. php?title=love. height; La hauteur de chaque sprite individuel. LÖVE - Free 2D Game Engine. It has been replaced by love. draw(object, objects[i][1] - object:getWidth()/2, objects[i][2] - object:getHeight()) The object parameter specifies the image we're going to draw and the next two arguments specify where the upper left corner of the image should be drawn on the screen. newCanvas. First, you need some source images. 5 + integer increments. Creates a screenshot once the current frame is done (after love. Available since LÖVE 0. Gets performance-related rendering statistics. If width or height is 0, setMode will use the width or height of the desktop. draw (简体中文) 在屏幕上绘制物件。. draw() love. print Jun 3, 2022 · love. scale, love. Set window icon. [SOLVED]hello there! so i made my enemy class and it works fine but the enemy gets one plus extra health or invincibility frames, some people helped me with the invincibility delay system, so i made it, it works fine, but the enemy as i said gets a IFrame for a whole point of health, point of health i mean 1 health, which is NOT what i want, heres my enemy class code: Sep 25, 2019 · First we need to set up a world for the physics bodies to exist in. 7. setMode. If content is drawn to a Canvas using the "alphamultiply" mode, the Canvas texture will have pre-multiplied alpha afterwards, so the "premultiplied" alpha mode should generally be used when drawing a Canvas to the screen. Runtime-TextureAtlas - Texture atlas packer and renderer at runtime; no external tools. Feb 13, 2024 · Available since LÖVE 0. load() love. Mar 27, 2016 · A force directed graph algorithm written in Lua. The original and only. setCanvas call will be redirected to the Canvas and not shown on the screen. Use getDimensions for calculations related to drawing to the screen and using the Sep 14, 2013 · Retrieved from "https://www. Gets the width and height in pixels of the window. Existing objects retain their current scaling filters. See Also. 0. as a pixel density scale factor if none is explicitly supplied. newFramebuffer. Support for simultaneous rendering to at least 4 canvases at once, with love. Notes. newQuad(0, 0, 32, 32, img:getDimensions()) -- E aqui o quadrante inferior esquerdo: inferior_esquerdo = love. width * a. print("Text", 5, 5) -- will effectively render at 15x15 end. Draws a triangle. The love. Not all system supports array image. load() local screen_width, screen_height = love. getWidth. Moved to the love. Text. run is called right after the execution of love Jan 19, 2022 · Welcome. getModes table. getDimensions() local max_stars = 100 -- how many stars we want stars = {} -- table which will hold our stars for i=1, max_stars do -- generate the coords of our stars local x = love. translate(10, 10) love. Jul 28, 2021 · love. The pixel grid is actually offset to the center of each pixel. There is an online database which has collected info about the max texture size for various systems. Defines or releases a stencil for the drawing operations. setMeter(64) --the height of a meter our worlds will be 64px world = love. 如果可能,不妨尝试翻译一下这个页面吧!. height end)-- sort from smallest to largest See Also love. It is most useful for sprite sheets and atlases: in a sprite atlas, multiple sprites reside in the same texture, quad is used to draw a specific sprite from that texture; in animated sprites with all frames residing in the same texture, quad is used to draw specific frame from the May 17, 2022 · love. rectangle("fill", 20, 50, 60, 120 ) end. The more segments, the smoother the edge. setLineStyle. Hi there! LÖVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Jun 18, 2020 · love. Minimizes the window to the system's task bar / dock. When stencil testing is enabled, the geometry of everything that is drawn afterward will be clipped / stencilled out based on a comparison between the arguments of love. It's recommended that Font objects are created with love. newQuad (Deutsch) Erstellt ein neues Quad . Jun 17, 2013 · Sets the line width and style. Contents. This function does nothing on mobile devices and other systems which use OpenGL ES 2. Dec 29, 2018 · Available since LÖVE 11. A walkthrough to building a small prototype and introducing the user to the LÖVE framework, A more realistic revamp of the built prototype to create a "full" game, and lastly. draw. graphics. pop. Points are not affected by love. Constants fill Draw filled shape. 0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. Sep 26, 2013 · love. Ce changement persiste jusqu'à la fin de la fonction love. function love. setColor is modulated (multiplied) with the per-point colors. 2. A Shader is used for advanced hardware-accelerated pixel or vertex manipulation. graphics. 但是如你所见,这个页面已经很久没有更新了。. Every push must be paired up with a pop, and each pair can also be called within another push/pop. width * b. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! 绘制一个宽度60,高度120并位于坐标(20,50)的填充矩形. Apr 4, 2018 · love. Aug 3, 2020 · love. These two functions allow you to save and return to the previous transformation state. 1. Sus responsabilidades secundarias incluyen la carga de archivos externos (incluyendo Image (Imágenes) y Font (Fuentes) en la memoria, crear objetos Dec 31, 2019 · love. Removed in LÖVE 0. Sep 10, 2016 · love. Moved from love. All drawing operations until the next love. newScreenshot. Creates a screenshot and returns the image data. line Draw outlined shape. 阅读这个 wiki. Gets the width in pixels of the window. print("This is some awesome text", 100, 100) You can easily draw numbers as well: num = 15 love. 0, color and byte component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. 可绘制的物件可以是 被加载的图形loaded images ,也可以是其他 可绘制Drawable 物,比如 粒子系统Particle System 。. Jan 13, 2014 · love. graphics May 7, 2015 · Tutorial:Isometric Graphics. graphics state in a function, and restore it easily so other code isn't disturbed. love. EGS is a simple GUI system with events and multiple controls, without over-complicating things. Sets whether wireframe lines will be used when drawing. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be love. This function is not supported in earlier or later versions. This is a performance optimization function with niche use cases. graphics (Español) La responsabilidad primaria del modulo love. A library that converts tables to Lua code that can be saved. Jul 14, 2022 · The radius of the ellipse along the y-axis (half the ellipse's height). Resets the current graphics settings. Render a starfield Feb 14, 2020 · love. Simple Game Tutorial. setCaption&oldid=11697" Dec 16, 2019 · GUI Libraries. origin. push() -- Store the previous transformation state -- Shift the Oct 21, 2022 · Render a starfield. setWireframe. Desenhar uma linha em zigue-zague a Apr 14, 2024 · love. The value for the multicanvas system limit will generally be either 1, 4, or 8. graphics (简体中文) (译者注:love. graphics 模块的主要功能是绘制(线段、图形、文字、图片 Image 、 Drawable 类型 Nov 1, 2023 · The number of segments used for drawing the circle. love archive (or source directory), but only if specific conditions are met. multicanvas. Simple UI grid layout library. stencil, it has replaced love. This function replaces love. Calling reset makes the current drawing color white, the current background color black, disables any active Canvas or Shader, and removes any scissor settings. Mar 26, 2022 · love. . Official LÖVE icon and logo graphics for use in splash, title, credits screens, website etc. 0 and removed in LÖVE 0. setPointSize Sets the point size. Sep 1, 2022 · love. Support for Shaders. Oct 4, 2014 · love. This function is always used to reverse any previous calls to love. Configures depth testing and writing to the depth buffer. reset. Draws geometry as a stencil. restore. If you don't script with this in mind, the text won't be in the right position, or possibly even on screen. Kuey is a library that encode/decode strings and files with a key. Together with love. toPixels functions can also be used to convert between units. Dec 8, 2023 · Following the mode argument, this function can accept multiple numeric arguments or a single table of numeric arguments. This type is not supported in earlier versions. Examples. Gets the current scissor box. It has replaced love. This module provides access to files in specific places: The root folder of the . draw (Français) Trace des objets Drawable (traçable), tels que les objets Image, Canvas, SpriteBatch, ParticleSystem, Mesh, Text, ou Video) à l'écran avec une rotation, mise à l'échelle ou étirement optionnels. Dec 29, 2018 · love. print function: love. 0 updated love. The per-frame metrics (drawcalls, canvasswitches, shaderswitches) are reset by love. It has been renamed to love. Defines an inverted stencil for the drawing operations or releases the active one. keyboard (简体中文) Provides an interface to the user's keyboard. Dec 31, 2019 · love. cy mf gs hn bj qq jd ac mo rm