Joining reserves at 30 reddit

Joining reserves at 30 reddit. ** Applying for the Army Reserves, would be a better way to say it! Hey guys, I've been long interested in joining the Aussie military and have finally decided to join the reserves at age 21. You'll likely not be easily pressured into a job you don't want. The mandatory retirement age was not changed. The short answer is yes. I joined the USCG reserves in 1977 and went to Boatswain Mate A school after boot camp. I've been in 10 years now. I know I would have a hard time hiring someone only to find out they are leaving for 6 months plus and now I have to hire a temp to fill their spot. For example 5 years active go to reserve finish retirement and you can get retirement pay at 55. Army construction is in name only. They only changed the age limit to join active duty to the legal limit as well, which is the 42nd birthday. Currently when a reserve regiment is deployed it's not done in the way that most people seem to imagine it with the whole regiment being sent away. All really depends on the people. The downsides to Reserve/Guard: a lot of them hate deploying - not all, but there are people in the Res/Guard who want the perks but not the responsibility. Hello everyone, I would greatly appreciate your honest opinion regarding my future plans. I use to receive 30% while in the reserve but my contract ended, got out officially, but now wanting to go back. Pros: Cool job. You have to complete Basic training and AIT or OSUT (both together) which probably be around 3 months total. Joining the Army Reserves, not sure what position to take. -SGLI - Life insurance 100K for $7/month -Tricare Select Reserve - ~$50/month single or ~$250/month married/whole family max of ~1,500 out of pocket per year (for fully covered services) -Tricare Dental - $12/month. I'm 30 y/o and have a background in business. In the first 4 years of joining the Reserves Just as a minor clarification: Reserves exist for all six branches. I am at 90% and an IMA reservist so it can be done. Defo go for the reserves, you won't regret it. In my late 20s/early 30s. However, my reserve recruiter informed me that I should put it on hold, otherwise it would require me to go through MEPS again and would delay my entrance into the reserves. I've missed the club since EAS'ing and have begun looking into either the Army reserves or the national guard. I’m thinking about joining army reserves and I want to hear your experiences as well as your pros and cons about joining the army reserves. 89D. And then separately there’s Army National Guard and Air Force National Guard. • 4 yr. (1) Symptoms suggestive of airway hyper responsiveness include but are not limited to cough, wheeze, chest tightness, dyspnea or functional exercise limitations after the 13 th birthday. I’m seriously thinking about joining the reserves after finishing college with a bachelors in mechanical engineering (plan on also pursuing a masters degree). That's what you will NET make an average month doing SELRES while having a va rating. I read somewhere you can knock off up to 10 years when you get your retirement by how many years of active duty you have. Being called to active duty is always an option. Joining the Military at a late (r) age. Joining IDF at the age of 30. You will make sacrifices. Must be under 30% to get in. • 7 yr. [deleted] • 2 yr. I was initially looking at paratrooper for 4 PARA (atm running 2km in 8:30 and training hard to get it quicker) but after research it looks like it’s best to go for a trade over infantry - better posts opportunities and similar deployment opportunities by the sounds of it. The Reserve is a much bigger commitment than many folks know about. It is harder to balance being a reservist and having a career than it is to just focus on your career. -You will OFTEN NEED TO PUT IN MORE TIME than just the 36 days you get paid for. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We both have Bachelors (Him-History minor kinesiology Me-Criminal Justice) and Master degrees (Him- Sports Leadership/Management (like MBA) Me- MBA), and we have a year in a half left and we will be finished with Just remember the VA rating is different than being physically incapable of being in the reserves. If you can, commission. I always made sure that my employer understood that I needed to balance my commitments. I've seen quite a few people on different subreddits claiming it to be impossible to go back to active duty or reserves with a VA disability rating. Archived post. Plus they need to develop their own leadership skills. Is this possible? How would this affect my retirement when i decide to get out? Any other major drawbacks? Major reasons for this is I want to move back to Charleston, SC and fly with the reserve units there. Lots of folks with ratings at 80-100% in the reserves. The fuck it's not. The way it's working right now is that when a regiment is being deployed they are actually I joined at 30 with wife and kid on the way. Drove away from the base cursing it or some of it's people many times. 2. However, as far as my experience, the good far outweighs the bad. Companies tend to not entertain people in reserve. Also, it's easier to become an Officer when you're in than if you're not. Luckily for me I did not join the public service until long after I initially joined the CAF. Right now, there are two branches with positions open in my area. You get thanked for your service as a reservist for a reason. • 2 yr. LauraPalmer1349. Now if you are >=50%, assuming you retire from the reserves with 20 good years, you receive BOTH your retirement pay AND keep your full va disability. ago. Access to a network of people in fields you may be interested. Questions about Joining Air Force Reserve After 30. So get the most out of the military for little work as possible. It’s tough dealing with 18-21 yr olds when you’re mid 30’s and older. You can't be in a foreign military and join the UK military. This should be relatively simple process. •• Edited. You go in as an officer and basically have a year or two of training you go through for things like imagine and prescribing rights. Benefits: some states offer additional benefits (usually educational) to their guardsmen. Life gets in the way and all that. Currently at 27~ish years. I truly have zero desire to deploy, as it would royally screw up my civilian career but I would still love to find a way to help serve my country in some aspect. I was a loose cannon, reckless, and hadn’t fully matured. Hi guys. It’ll be a 10 year commitment, but you’ll be at least a Captain, maybe a major if you stick it out a bit. Joining army reserves. Enlisting in the military at 30. For a long time I have pondered whether to join the RAF reserves as a Nurse or Officer. If you retire at 20 years but you're under the age of 60, your TRS costs skyrocket to $1,100/month, just in monthly premiums, that's not even taking into consideration deductible, co-pays, etc. We’ve all hated the Corps at some point in time for one reason or another. I used it for my Bachelors and Masters degree. So overall its been a very positive experience and its been the best thing i've ever done. I commissioned at 30 directly into the reserve with no prior enlistment. So im planning on joining the army reserves as hopefully a 25b, is it true that after ur done with basic and ait that drill is only on one weekend a month as well as 2 weeks in the year. I wouldn't mention it in the Job interview that you are joining the reserves. Have you heard of anyone joining reserves and getting a high paying job for the skill they learned while in ait? I’m a Loadmaster currently AD with 15 years TIS. The rest of your tuition is covered for as long as you're a Reservist. Some things will come very easy but others will try your patience. Otherwise, once the 120 hrs of military leave is up, you could use your Annual Leave or LWOP. Officers: £80 per day also rising with rank. Yes, you forfeit your VA pay because drill pay (depending on your rank and pay) is more than VA pay per diem. If you’re going to join, you need to be looking at the Officer route. Worth it? OCS. So you'll either get paid for extra work, or you won't do it because 90% don't have the balls to keep pressing the issue. I enlisted at 38 and I’m currently working on my 5 level in my afsc. Seriously, do it. Award. Activation - Of course, joining reserves carries the chance of being activated. I am 29 years old oleh hadash and soon I am going for an interview to the Tel Hashomer recruitment office to join IDF in my specialty. Part time most months and 2 additional weeks - travel with unit to vegas and UK so far. Longevity: I am in my early 30's now. Guard, you better beg for a deployment, in I've seen a lot of trends/comments online saying that job opportunity declines being a reserve - due to sporadic scheduling and such. In terms of managing both roles: The majority of Reserve time is only on one evening a week and one or two weekend day's a month. You don’t need to be in the military to travel. Getting somewhat bored with the Civilian lifestyle, and really liking the stories on r/militarystories. 26/F- Considering joining the reserves as an officer. They offer a student loan repayment program (SLRP) which should clear most, if not all, of your debt for a mandatory service period. The average reservist pays back 63 days of VA pay per year (48 UTAs and 15 AT days). Soldiers: £40 per day for recruits in training and it goes up with your rank. Cons: 5 or 6 year contract vs joining with a 3 year contract on another MOS and dropping a packet/application to go to OCS once you're in. Being Reserves or NG never made any sense to me. Hey all. Need people you click with and can suffer through it together with. If you don't like it just put in an ocs packet at a later time. BMT will be interesting in the fact that you have more life experience and will be cohabitating with people in their late teens and early 20’s. I joined the Reserve while in the hiring process of my current job, and went to Basic/AIT with a few folks who had a full-time job. My desire never left, just looking to see and get some advice on how some of you guys went about it at the young age of 30. Reserves cannot be used for civil unrest response with very limited exceptions. One weekend a month, and 12 days for your ADT-AT. However, I was IN when I got my VA rating. The toughest part was going away for extended periods for training - not all employers will be keen on you leaving for a couple months. I have some law enforcement related experience and a criminology degree and that’s about it. Nearly half of Air Force assets belong to the Guard or Reserve. AskMenOver30 is a place for supportive and friendly conversations among adults over 30. I'm 21, in a 2841 (electronics maintenance) billet at my reserve unit and even though my military training serves me well in my civilian role, the bullshit makes me want to get my early out. If you play your cards right, counting the money you will save on a damn near guaranteed deployment. Get phone numbers, make your intentions known, convey your excitement for the mission, the flying, and the squadron. History of airway hyper responsiveness including asthma, reactive airway disease, exercise-induced bronchospasm or asthmatic bronchitis, after the 13 th birthday. ADMIN MOD. Pros: Free college, cheap insurance, a decent part time job, a clearance maybe, industry experience if you go into maintenance. 31MULTIPURPOSE • 4 mo. These days service members are expected to be multi-capable, and you would certainly fit that bill with your background. We have to maintain the same standards and discipline. The head OT is in charge of a staff (most likely ATC’s) and you are in charge of your units physical and mental readiness for deployment. But maybe the best place to ask this would be over in r Veteran Crisis Hotline Dial 988 Press 1 Call or Text or Chat. You can't draw both mil and VA pay for the same day. The second is 36A, a Financial Management officer with the Financial DooDiddly96. 33 gpa. Do not go into the Engineers. Specify Army, Navy, etc. Joining at your age will make it even harder and you’re more likely to hurt yourself, possibly permanently. Even cyber jobs have physical standards and the training required to meet them wears the body down over time. 14. I live near an air force reserve base and I’m considering the reserves/guard route as I already have a full time career I like. I was talking to an Air Force vet back in 2014 and told him how I always wanted to join at he said I was too old at 27. 5. Usually 6-8 years. A lot of employers, espically large company's county governments love military. Marine Corp reserves the max age is 29. If youre lucky, your OTS and other trainings are spread between two fiscal year, so that you could take advantage of it. I am a senior in high school, male, about to graduate, and i want to join the reserves. Don't waste your GI Bill, you served to earn that, might as well make it count. In short yes. However, it's the occupational training that will be a hardship for most. -Initial contract is for eight years (six years actively drilling, with two years in IRR if you chose to get out. Hello Everyone, My husband and I were considering joining the Air Force Reserve. I never really did much about it other than research it a bit. Unfortunately there isn’t a Nuke community in the reserves. I'm fairly healthy (medically speaking) and fairly fit. Thoughts? I need an unbiased opinion of joining the Air Force Reserves. 00/hr, realize they should have joined AD and got on the government cheese. I went to a top public undergrad program, graduated honors, got a 3. I’m curious about joining the reserves after finishing 20. You're more patient and deliberate. Or is there more obligatory service i would have to do. Pros: You get to be an officer. I am RF Engineer (radars, telecommunication systems, radio electronics etc). 9 GPA and have worked in various leadership positions professionally since at top firms (think top finance jobs, at top firms for the industry / function - only Pro: They pay for school shit (well, some shit). The latter the army can't guarantee. It can hurt that discipline and that structure you're looking for. I am super excited to get involved and am wanting a position that will be challenging, but not Reservists are every bit as "real" as our active duty counterparts. 1. I am trying to understand what my options are for joining the air force reserves as an officer and if its even a good idea at this stage in my life. About 6-8 months ago I realized I wasn't too old as the age limits apparently got more lenient. I have a bachelors and graduated with a 3. 28 is too old to have to go through the process of being a boot IMO. Joining reserves or national guard with 100% disability rating. Joining Reserves as an Officer w/ no Military Background. Or you become an Army Pilot. I’m going to cross post this from the military Reddit thread I posted in but: 33 and I want to join the Army. If I get let’s say 100% disability can I still join reserves and be paid my disability rating? When 9/11 hit, almost all of them were activated for a minimum of a year. gold328. I was AD for 6 years. I am considering joining the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve. Going Warrant you’ll do basic, Wocs, then the whole flight school thing. I spent 5 years active duty as a Navy Nuclear instructor through a program called NUPOC (if you’re considering active duty at all, check it out, the instructor option allows you to stay in the same city for 5 years without a deployment which is great for family/work balance) but transferred to the Human Resources community when I Do not let people tell you that just because you have a degree you have to be an officer. Also prepare to take out a student loan BEFORE you enlist, as the Army will likely repay it-- but check with your Recruiter first. The first is 35C, which is Imagery Intelligence Officer with the Military Intelligence branch. I'm 53 and have 20 years experience in nursing and am currently an Advanced Nurse Practitioner with prescribing rights. I am currently considering joining the reserve army and aiming to score above 20 in the DAT. Joining the Reserves after active duty. When I joined the navy reserves it seemed like I had so many options, I can deploy, try to go active, go to school, be a civilian, or try to commission. Talk to the Air Force Reserve, Air Guard, Army Reserve, Army Guard, Coast Guard reserve and Navy Reserve. Its very flexible, if you can't make the minimum commitment. In 10 years I've deployed overseas twice, and that can be tough on you if you have a career and family back home (especially in a place like Afghanistan). First things first, at this moment in time there is almost no danger attached to joining the reserves. I joined with 40% rating with no issues, and just retired. You'll understand some of the financial and health benefits more to maximize them. Civilian here, on a throwaway account. Currently on terminal and doing some traveling outside the states, so, going straight to a recruiter isn't really an option at the moment. Quietm02. I spent 5 years active duty as a Navy Nuclear instructor through a program called NUPOC (if you’re considering active duty at all, check it out, the instructor option allows you to stay in the same city for 5 years without a deployment which is great for family/work balance) but transferred to the Human Resources community when I Join the reserves NOW. There will be times when the most mundane tasks are the Thank you u/Tucker727, but your post of Joining the Military at 30 Years Old looks like you're looking for information for enlisting in the military. I was an 0311 USMC and got out and applied for disability, I'm now sitting at 100%, I had to check but I just read over one of my generated letters and its says that I'm P&T. They have a very simple and uninformed opinion on how the world works (not their fault, they just lack life experience). Never had any issues with my disability rating impacting my military job. So it's up to you, but it can be extra money and down time. Joined at 30. I would love to either work with animals or in construction in the army if at all possible. OCS. Other than those two reasons, there is no reason why anyone should join the reserves. Would this also be an issue? You would have to ask the AFCO. ) The reserves are great if you use them to your maximum potential. We've removed your posts. Yes… only did 4 years but the benefits are absolutely worth it. The reserve is a huge resume builder too. Coast Guard does have some reserve slots like port security unit. Had a degree, was an English teacher but made a ton of dumb mistakes in my 20s and didn’t have any money saved. Joining prior to your 42nd birthday for active and 41st birthday for reserves would allow you to retire if you complete your 20 good years of service prior to your 62nd birthday. Put it this way, if you go active duty, you have the opportunity to save $30-40k dollars in 4 years. People who have "careers", the Guard/Reserve isn't a problem. Pro: They pay for school shit (well, some shit). Joining at 33. Ttej. The lifestyle of Reserves and Guard is relatively similar, both are (nominally) “one weekend a month and two weeks a year” with the possibly to be activated for longer periods. Is this true? Conversation. easy to balance reserves + college + part time /full time job if you plan your days/weeks out. That just seems like all the worst parts of being in the Army with none of the benefits. My 2¢ on why joining the reserves is a bad idea. I have filed for VA disability through BDDP. The other services may have something cool that appeals to you. 20 votes, 49 comments. You can be in and stay in with rating, but you can't collect drill pay and disability. Bachelor's degree in ComputerScience / Information Tech. Conversation. I’ve always had this thought of joining the Air Force in the back of my mind but also I wanted a civilian job as well. The military will do everything it can to get the most out of you. Both the army and the reserves have a renown penchant for alcoholism. Wasn’t doing well at all in my career at the time. I’m really looking for something that will test my limits and help build my personal discipline without the commitment of full time service. You then receive a yearly bonus which varies from £470 in year 1 to £1,862 in year 5 and that't from training for usually 19 or 27 days of a year. I start school in the Fall and never really planned on going back in. As an Asian, I believe that affirmative action may come into play when applying to dental school, and I want to increase my chances of admission. It bummed me out. 4. So I’m approaching my 180 days on active duty and am planning on filing for disability but also joining reserves. If you want it, go for it. Do as this man says. 0000 FC here. Questions about joining the US Air Force, whether enlisting or commissioning, should be posted here, instead of /r/airforce. I was (and am) married with a kid, and when in OTS you generally won't be able to see them (unless things changed). Currently a DoD GS-14 interested in joining the Air Multiply that by 5/6. You could theoretically finish your 4 years at the age of 28 years old, with 50 or 60k in the bank. While I have heard a lot of good things about the reserves, even considering joining at one point, there is one point in particular I'd have to make. Since that date, the Guard and Reserve still deploy overseas on a regular basis. Take a look at USERRA, basically, if you're fired for serving in any way (including for attending training) it's illegal. The only thing that happens is you don't get your bounty and you won't get on adventure training. I am not opposed to the possibility of being activated but am keeping it in mind and how it might impact my civilian life. Definition of a love hate relationship. I didn’t want the full commitment to being in active duty so i figured reserves would fit me and i heard that the air force has the least risk and highest reward. Reply. FYI: It is possible to rejoin active or reserves with a rating. Reply reply. In the mean time I am looking for adventure in the reserves as a soldier. Being older has advantages. Cons: It's one of those things you can't regret, because it's such a valuable experience- but at the same time you hate it 90% of the time. You can carry over up to 120 hours (max of 240 hrs). I am currently 27 (turning 28 next year) with a bachelor degree civilian job making around 80K which is decent but not amazing considering the cost of living in my city. If you are doing it just for the benefits just enlist. Shalom everyone. I learned search and rescue liked so much that I converted to regular CG. I want to finish my bachelors while I’m in and do my first contract before deciding whether I want to stay in or not. In fact, many reservists were active duty and came into the reserves. You just also have to consider AT and IDTT time. High washout rate. Right now there are two reasons and two reasons only that anyone should join the reserves/ng and that is to pay for college or serve your state. deathtothvvorld. It can be difficult to manage life and reserves sometimes when they expect you to be more than the one weekend a month two weeks a year. Every person who has experienced Res/Guard or been in either knows who I'm talking about. Hi, I’ve been wanting to join the reserves for quite some time, my only issue is, would I be able to as a single parent? I’m finding contradicting info on Google and can’t find anything definite. 3. The minimum is very achievable though, it only works out at a two week camp and 5 weekends a year. Jan 5, 2022 ยท Nearly 600 people in their late 30s have enlisted in the active duty Air Force since the age limit changed in 2014. Join the reserves NOW. Talk to your recruiter. The long answer is yes*. As long as you're in and can stay in until you're 59, your monthly TRS cost is only ~$230/$240/month. Currently working in the Tech field, making 50k a year (or so). Personally I wouldn't but your mileage may very. 3 years work experience in Russia. 27K subscribers in the AirForceRecruits community. I have always loved serving and been interested in the military but frankly at this point in People who come back from AIT at 18 years old as a 19D, go to college for a semester and fail out, and are now fucked trying to find a job making more than 10. If war breaks out, you will be full time in the military. Little did I know that doing anything in the reserves is impossible. The best they’ll give you is Specialist, E4. • 10 mo. Con: The world is going to hell. i joined, and then went to college. Cons: Long pipeline. But if you feel like it's not a factor for you, do what you desire. -Reserves treats you like an adult right away. Drills - The 4-6 days of commitment a month is not a problem for me but I am putting it here as it is not nothing. Questions about joining the US Air Force, whether enlisting or… I have toyed with going reserves in the past, have long felt a sense of duty and wanting to serve, and have previously seriously considered the Foreign Service. Any one else besides Air/Army Guard will require a commute to drill. Master's degree. I (24F) am considering joining the Air Force reserves and I am wondering what to expect, pros and cons, and if it’s generally enjoyable. This varies by state. Get your degree done and start searching the guard and reserve units you're going to apply to. He said that usually people will get their disability rating a month maximum after joining the reserves. You would have to leave the reserves prior to joining the RM. NiteQwill. Spent years in law enforcement and things haven’t worked out like I planned. CipherClump. Add them. Add AT on top of that. Guard has a dual federal/state mission and is used more often for domestic emergencies/natural disasters. 17 votes, 55 comments. The military gives great benefits as well as . My motivations for joining are because I’ve always been kind of interested in it Guard has a dual federal/state mission and is used more often for domestic emergencies/natural disasters. All my unit cared about was meeting height/weight standards, and that I could pass all the events of my PT test. I regret joining the navy. Up to the maximum of 10 years active duty then going reserve for retirement to get retirement pay at 50. Now look at 4 days of base pay (monthly*4/30). But, after doing a lot of self reflection its occured to me that I already kinda miss it and want I looked into an offer last year for the army or army reserves. I was going to join the military out of high school but decided against it since it was the height of Bush/Iraq. If you don’t have an attitude problem then you should be fine. Join the Army an Officer. I was a reservist before I joined the regular force. In joining the Reserves, I actually have to already have a branch assignment before I sign on the dotted line. This make sense, honestly, in economic standpoint. zg wj al yp ej ju jg un hq wm