Cavalry vs after effects reddit. Warp Stabilizer VFX. I can't find a way to apply an effect on a specific area of the composition. videoworx. Also Ae comes bundled with C4D Lite for free so that should be a decision maker. And enemies generally become too easy at later levels except the one or 2 time they decided to target leader and one of my unit falls. And as I'm being asked more and more to do character animation, (for explainer videos etc) I decided to look into other software more designed for this. I'm coming from After Effects, where we can use an 'adjustment layer'…. If you want to compare Resolve to an Adobe product, it should be Speedgrade. Members Online 2D Animator Seter MD has showcased one more Ghibli-inspired stylized illustration made with Adobe After Effects Perhaps you've heard the term "shock cavalry" - this effect is what's being referred to, the psychological shock of having to deal with this over and over (Edit: Or even just the initial charge). Reiters that were arguably the most common type of horsemen at the time just couldn't stand their ground against such charge and melee focused enemies. One composite shows the node workflow in Blender and the other shows the layer based workflow in After Effects. Especially in a game where 3/4 of the infantry units have an anti-cav bonus. I know that for After Effects the more RAM the better, but I don't know if RAM speeds affect performance considerably enough to opt for less RAM at higher speeds. All other cav should be a flanking unit, yes, even charge cavalry for the most Expand user menu Open settings menu. Nevertheless, despite considerable feature overlap, the two applications are geared for distinct post-production tasks. Feb 11, 2020 · Cavalry. In my old rig AE did NOT run smoothly, well, to put it right it ran like crap and now that I'm buying Ram, I've got the option to go with 16gb 3600mhz or 32gb 3600mhz and I'm getting the 32 gig relatively Hussars are one of the only frontal charge units in the history of cavalry for a reason, and they had a very specific purpose in their inception, to be able to out-reach other lengthy pikes, but not to barrel through how ever many men can be seen in a straight line. Don’t sleep on Magic Move and Keynote, you can do a lot with it, especially for simple ads. Channels are handled in a much more organized way opposed to AE which just separates everything into layers or effects. Cavalry 2D Official Discord. There is an item on the left where you can set the properties of each element. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Vegas Pro is an Editor that has some VFX capability. 64GB (2x32GB) Kingston Fury DDR5 at 5600MT/s Vs 128GB (4x32GB) Kingston Fury DDR5 at 4200MT/s. However there are definitely things that is way quicker and easier to achieve with after effects then fusion, just as there are certain things that is way quicker and easier to achieve in fusion. 48 votes, 19 comments. It’s slow, it’s poorly organized, and it’s the opposite of procedural. Cav vs cav it loses to yari cavalry. DaVInci Resolve (free) includes the Fusion Page, which gives you about 95% of the features of paid Fusion, linked directly to your editing timeline. Let's talk about AoE2DE graphics. So Adobe has no need to develop it any further. cavalry combat. Share. But now my subscription has ended and I have started to look more into Final Cut Pro. Like someone else said, data driven Animation is big and Cavalry is built for that from the start. Award. Refine Soft Matte. I know that infantry was very important during the periods between 500-1400 ce, but cavalry was much more important. Make a shortcut on your desktop or taskbar to the version that you want to use and just open that one when you use After Effects. What is a plus about it is that the editor is nice to use, which often isn't the case for more fringe apps. Cavalry continues to have a solid group of hard working players which served them well the first seasons, but as other teams get better having more skill and difference makers becomes more important. Even the most elite infantry will break sooner or later, there is a limit, mentally, to how much a person can withstand, at which point the cavalry First phase is Skirmish- this is where light infantry, archers, horse archers and light cavalry excel. 67K subscribers in the MotionDesign community. AE question comes up quite often. Sadly, the developers prefer this model, so it’s not going away anytime soon. After effects has almost no competition right now. I’ve used AE professionally for nearly 10 years, and it is objectively shitty software. But otherwise, just make knights. Katana cav is mostly pointless IMO. If you want to do 3D mograph, learn cinema 4D. But the smaller horses is a decent argument. Some things are ridiculously easy and built in vs. Things can get quite confusing pretty quickly if it's complicated comp work. From what I've seen it is a really good & powerful editing software and can do thing Premiere can't. It's a job on its own so if you're curious by all means you should take the class. I come from a programming background. They're two different programs, there's no "vs". After Effects. I used the 3D camera (tracker) a lot to make some 3D animations. mask tracker. Two Things to Know: I gave a feeling AE will continue to be around long after Apple kills Motion like they did Shake. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The entire code-base of After Effects, dating back to 1993, has been updated to be “thread safe". Why buy ram when you can just download it. Second phase is Melee/Shock- this is where your heavy infantry, pikemen, and heavy cavalry excel. Add the camera moves and effects like blurs and glows then render out the quicktime for the editor to add into I've been using After Effects for over 15 years+ now. Big environments, simulations, animations and hyper realism with subsurface scattering but everything else is After for me but sometimes a mere 4K scene with color grading and noise makes After choke like an old man gulping olives Tight cavalry formations are extremely difficult as it is, tight chariot formations would be horribly complicated and result in loads of accidents. There is a property in the Have cavalry increase slightly movement speed, due to scouting. Reply. Yes, After Effects has been around for a very, very long time; however, it is incorrect to say that it’s the same code under the hood. Compositing - Nuke. It has a worse charge bonus than yari cav. ago. Adobe's priority is to push the newest version to it's users, even if it is not properly tested or debugged. For the last month or so, I've found myself using After Effects a lot. Davinci resolve replace both premiere and after effects and also audition. You can export as a GIF, H. Also the 32 bit float linear workspace is a huge plus over AE. If you own Resolve Studio, you also have Fusion Studio (a separate app) . Hitfilm Express uses a nearly-identical workflow to After Effects, and if you start there, jumping ship to After Effects should be relatively easy. For character animation try Moho. All this. You can of course get amazing results but After Effects really needs to no longer be seen as the best program for this sort of thing. • 8 yr. Fusion: 3D compositing. Lucky for us, Unreal is actually working on some very promising motion design features in their engine. Still, overall, Vegas Pro is more suited to montage editing. My friend and I just released our latest (very) short film called "BURDEN". Crypto The Nuke vs. Jenns says this will include some big advances including cameras and 2. scenegroup. Reply reply. For them it's fine the way it is. Congrats to Forge. Where many many revision strokes were needing on Runway, the web app performance degrades rapidly . 235K subscribers in the AfterEffects community. 3. 2 Share. If you work for someone they will usually dictate the software to be used. Sure, it works but it is slow as fuck and super annoying. Tough result. I'm outnumbered but Milan has militia units with two generals while I have a main line of Sergeant Spearmen, an Every single clip will end up on its own layer as opposed to all your clips being in the same track. The difference becomes even more glaring when the background wasn't shot with roto in mind. Hey everyone! In this video I show the two different compositing workflows of the same shot. Getting into blender for 3d stuff. For 2d shape animations specifically I've heard and seen great things come out of a new software called Cavalry It's shaping up to be an even more powerful tool than After Effects for 2D animation. AE, imo, will begin being displaced by more capable apps like Cavalry. Refine Edge tool. Oh, you can fiddle around to make two shots match, but do it for a whole sequence and it's a real pain that is not interactive at all. I can’t imagine making something like this in Ae because I wouldn’t be able to play around enough to get there. 16 gB MiNIMum (32 gb ReCOmMenDeD) Still don't know why Windows Media Player on my old WinXP with 200mb ram runs smoother abstract animations than AE with 32GB. In the No category: Fusion is significantly harder to learn (and if you don't understand #null objects in Adobe After Effects, frankly, you're not going to learn Fusion. •. Open a project from After effects instead of double clicking a project file. Members Online An experiment with a more minimal / outline-based kind of motion, made to celebrate the 5k followers on Dribbble! I hate After Effects, but I also need After Effects! 20 years of bloat and slow performance and headaches also comes with 20 years of features, plugins, support and tutorials. Fusion doesn't have a shape node, so you will have to use solids (called a background in fusion) and masks to make . 1-Make cavalry be able to couch lance. After effects simply can't do proper color correction. I've started a quick course on Moho. After Effects is as much about the plugin ecosystem as it is the host application. It also doesn't have much animation capability. I recently started doing some basic educational motion graphics content like this one for youtube by learning after-effects to promote my app. It's rough around the edges but has pretty good performance. Whilst you can in theory do everything in AE in Fusion and vice versa, After Effects is much easier to use for things like text and 2D shape animation/motion graphics. rowandeg. Final Cut is an NLE, After Effects is an visual effects/motion graphics, different tools for different purposes! Adobe's equivalent to Final Cut is Premiere. I used it a bunch and it’s great at what it does, but it’s no AE replacement, since the compositing tools are currently pretty basic (limited selection of effects, no luma mattes, unpredictable precomps, etc). Advanced sims/VFX - Houdini. It is the most insufferable program to use in regards to vectors. I heard Sony Vegas can do both editing and adding effects while Adobe After Effects can just add effects and not used for compiling and assembling clips. Let me start by saying that I don't have any post-processing effects turned on and I haven't downloaded the UHD pack. I use it in combination with ae. All free programs but something more like after effects would be rad. Beforehand thank you very much. You won't find advanced 3D Workspaces, particle sims, projection and other advanced effects. I use opentoonz for animation and kdenlive for video editing. Cavalry - there is a free tier and it would be the closest thing to "free' AE, I think. The charging into shit at full speed is uunrealisitc though, you just send bodies and horses flying everywhere, if you can even get your horse to charge straight into a wall of other horses. Resolve is a NLE. I still love AE, but I finally hated Premiere enough to switch after using it for 25 years. Cavalry 2D Official Website. We hope you like it ! Here's guide that compares these tools and more, highlighting their features and suitability as After Effects alternatives. After Effects is effectively the standard for Motion Graphics. I'd also like to know. AE seems easier when dealing with cameras and 3d space. Rive and Fable would be the next best thing. Recently came across cavalry and it seems very interesting and fits perfectly for my needs as I am not interested in VFX or compositing, etc. Finally, Runway is not designed for working with actual pipeline-grade footage. Set them to linear. There are programs that do pieces of what AE does, but there is nothing that is an actual legitimate alternative. AE does get easier and there are very good reasons why it’s build the way it’s build. It’s a new motion app that unlike AE is being actively developed. I'm playing a French campaign and I'm attacking Milan on the field. Some After Effects plugins are really full software packages crammed into the Effects pane. AE is generally better for mograph where timing is a huge factor, Nuke is far superior when the final image is important. Cavalry charges do not do nearly enough charge damage, nor do they incapacitate infantry units for anywhere near long enough. 4 - Low charge damage and effects. I was always curious about Cavalry, but I have decided to test it out because I just got to a big wall in After Effects. Then I don't like the power system but some achievements are just impossible without using them. Depends. Then bring the SWFs and PSDs into Adobe After Effects. Check it out for a more detailed exploration and choose the one that best fits your workflow. Rather than using AE's native tools + plugins such as DUIK, JnS, RubberHose etc. Fusion would be closer to what AE can do; but AE does far more than Fusion. TL;DR Cavalry is too weak because they use lances wrong, Horse archers are better cavalry vs infantry Cavalry vs infantry. Its recommended to use: After Effects: 2D, motion graphics. There is no alternative. 1. I'm sure we all saw that fusion is now available for Mac. Get the free version of Davinci Resolve. That is a lot of food after spending 800 to get up to castle. What I wonder about the most is compatibility, which always ended up being a blocker for Lottie/bodymovin in my experience. I am in a bit of a pickle. Cavalry has native Lottie support, but requires subscription for this feature. true. Hello r/totalwar . So just asking if Fusion is enough considering I put all the hard work and effort required to learn and create using Fusion. 2 The Slit Scan, Pixel Sorting, Scrape, Scan Lines Filters, Background Blur Filter and Voronoi Shader are only available to Professional users. Final Cut doesn't have motion tracking, you have to buy a plugin to add that functionality. AE is MUCH a motion graphics engine. Caracole is hardly an option here, as one can imagine. Turn of the automatic updates. Draw and paint the backgrounds in Adobe Photoshop. I am Aiming to make only 2d motion graphics that Feature beautiful, animated transitions and effects. Multiplayer lobbies, performance and game balance aside, I would like to discuss what bothers me most: the graphics. As a player, charging full speed in a heavily armoured Battanian Thoroughbred will do at most like 10 damage (if that, it’s usually more like 6) and that quickly drops off to 1-3 Business, Economics, and Finance. The answer is nothing. 16Gb vs 32Gb Ram for after effects. If you are a independent contractor or hobbist Otherwise, AE probably still more versatile. Cinema 4D is for 4D experiences. [deleted] • 8 yr. You can put the layers you want to affect in a group and apply the effect to that group (in the group's Shape tab under Filters). I hear about affect effects and was curious…. Jan 28, 2021 · Interested in Cavalry for your motion graphics and coming from After Effects? This tutorial is for you. Plus, there's the free version (with limitations like export resolution capped at 1920x1080 and certain features; no watermarks) and there's the paid version (£16 a month) Here are some helpful links for you. Not to After Effects as a whole. Design in real-time for advertising, mobile, data visualisation, web, broadcast, ui, generative art, experiential, games and more. It's mostly made in After Effects. After Effects help and inspiration the Reddit way. It is a valid tactic and has been used in many battles where the superior mobility of the cavalry could be used in a flanking maneuver. Real time skin smooting, touch ups, and 'beautification' vs paying hundreds of dollars for Red Giant's Cosmo effect. It will replace Premiere, After Effects Audition and Lumetri Color in the Adobe Suite. Another edge in fight against western-style enemies was an obvious superiority in cavalry vs. If you are trying to get a job in the industry you will have far more opportunities learning nuke. Created by animators, for animators — Cavalry makes 2d animation smarter, easier and faster to produce. Or 3d. Sort by: Medieval 2's cavalry are definitely very powerful to the point that they are a necessity in almost every army, but I think Three Kingdoms has Medieval 2's cavalry beat in terms of the impact of the charges. Fusion is much more of a compositor. Fusion is a very different tool than After Effects. Cavalry App learning path. Because each software has a better interface to work with (depending on the project) Indeed, in the Battle of Legnano (1176), despite the Lombard footmen having a very deep formation, very anti-cavalry adapted formation, outnumbering the German knights 4 - 1, the German knights somehow still, with frontal charges, managed to after eight to nine hours of fighting, break around 66% to 75% of the Lombard spearwalls before the After Effects is a dinosaur, and OP even jokes about RAM previews elsewhere in this thread, which says it all. Have a look at Cavalry App, Rive App, Jitter App or Fable App. . AE is also good with some motion graphics. It’s so much better than AE for what it does. After Effects is not; it is a compositor that is capable of animation. +10% infantry combat has roughly the same effect as +10% morale, except only for infantry. The team just posted a list of 40 features in Cavalry - looks like Rubberhose and Joysticks & Sliders are built-in, as well as a handful of timeline Quality-of-Life features like Split Visibilty on the same layer and sync'd up end point dragging. Blender vs. I use this all the time in AE. https://cavalry. If they can pull it off AE will become a useless piece of old software. layer snapping. This is an overview, looking mostly at the UI and imp Connected Creativity. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. 3D generalist/low-mid budget VFX - Blender. Cavalry vs Cavalry charges did happen, albeit rarely. A subreddit for the creation, submission, and general laughing-at of comics based on… Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. It just does so much more than any of the new competitors that you kind of have to learn it, unless you're only interested in more specific areas. And scout uses after effects for editing and making thumbnails. After Effects is easier to learn the basics and get the idea of what you are doing, nuke is more robust more powerful and overall just a better product. Infantry is good in the early game and remains so throughout. Not a single thing depicted makes even a little bit of tactical sense. It really is it’s own thing. Rive App, Motionity, Jitter, Fable - all web based and aimed at 2D motion design. After Effects: Compositing Walk-through Comparison. Also, I'm a fast learner and can teach myself using Vegas Pro but wondering if it's good than Adobe After Effects for editing montages. property linking. 1 While some features are available to all users, contact us to enquire about rendering via the Cavalry CLI . For compositing and other types of Motion Graphics maybe DaVinci Resolve would be a good replacement, specifically the Fusion Panel . it’s not exactly like After Effects but fundamentally can do a lot of the same things. I'm getting used to M2TW's combat mechanics but there are some things that still bewilder me. For example if one area of the world only has access to smaller horse breeds. It's slower than yari cav. Both are good for very different things. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. Imagine Cavalry as a stripped-down, 2D motion graphics focused After Effects. So you can buy more ram duh. KinZSabre. A cavalry wing is when the center of the army is occupied by infantry and one or both sides are the cavalry. Modern masking and color-correction tools, which for example smartly select something by color. Morale or discipline is almost always better than combat ability, as they effect all units. If you are just learning to make videos and silly stuff for youtube, After Effects will get 4. 2-Make cavalry automatically stop using lances when close to the enemy OR make lances break after a couch lance OR give the player the ability to give order to selected formation to stop using polearms. Pricing & Options. Cavalry: Features Galore. What I wonder about the most is compatibility, which always ended up The 3090 is actually for Blender. Jun 13, 2023 · Cavalry is being used for everything from data visualisation to fictional user interface design (Image credit: Scene Group) The beta for Cavalry 2. Each software has its own advantages, but the combination of the two is the most powerful. Aug 13, 2020 · Possibly the biggest issue is plugin support. However, Blender will work just fine for Motion Graphics. However, this may just be me being persuaded by Three Kingdom's graphical effects for the charges giving a more impressive presentation. 0 is expected to be released soon. Closest you’d get is apple motion or Calvary. Members Online A project I'm working on to practice the speed graph and to make a ball have a bit of personality and motivation. Mds03. Nominally it's better in sustained melee than yari cav, but that's not really how you want to use cavalry anyway. Players must explore and fight their way through the vast open-world to unite all the shards, restore the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord. The graphics look very blurry and staring at this game for more After Effects: Compositing Walk-through Comparison : r/blender. Something Nuke isn't really used for. • 4 yr. Pro Tip. Artillery combat is nice in the late game. You can keyframe by pressing the area surrounded by the red frame. ). 3D character animation - Maya. It's pretty much the closest to AE out of the above. After effects is After Effects and nothing comes close. 264, Pro Res (multiple formats), etc. For compositing there's Nuke. Archived post. Anyways, I am a Newbie I would recommend at this stage you ought to also learn Cavalry. Log In / Sign Up The way we use them both at the studio is, draw and animate 2D cartoon characters in Adobe Animate. Dec 9, 2022 · Are you a motion designer that's interested in checking out Cavalry, but find it hard to get started? Cavalry is more than just a tool to make weird digital MichaelTheElder • Cavalry FC • 1 yr. If you want your movies to be like the Disney rides with water splashing into your face and 3D experiences, you should start looking into Cinema 4D. But it's use outside of motion graphics is limited, but Fusion in Resolve can patch that hole and both have free versions. Third phase is Pursuit- this is when you run down the retreating forces; far as I know light cavalry does this best. In theory yes, fusion can 100% replace after effects. They would probably continue to use chariots. People invest both time and money in their plugin suites and build them into their workflows. Pretty seamless and real time motion tracking vs hours in Mocha. After Effects, OR, not kidding—Keynote. I h Downvote me all you want, but I’m excited for the team at cavalry to completely destroy after effects and I look forward to the day when it does. If there were 2 objects on the same “track”, those functions wouldn’t work. Looking forward to that. Nuke is a compositing program that's node-based. EXR or DPX sequences are out of the question. Before you turn up your nose at it, download it and try it for a week. modernized keying effects, since you could use modern tools to get much better keys and spill without fiddeling too much. As an editing platform, I think Resolve is better. New infantry techniques like the Swiss battle square, phalanx, the Persians tactical system etc made it extremely difficult to defend against well organized armies but what exactly (if anything) made the I now like nodes better than layers,it is so much easier to see the bigger picture of what you are editing because it's easier and better to organize. 11K subscribers in the cfbball community. Frankly, from a return on investment standpoint, it actually costs less (as a percentage of your annual operating expenses) to subscribe on a monthly or annual basis, but I can understand the problem of being inundated by everything demanding a monthly fee. Last year I created this animation in After Effects (attached below) - The issue is that is very hard to customize, I can't add gradients by circle steps It's very powerful, there are people actively developing for the nodal structure. The only downside to Hitfilm is that it's crash-happy, and you'll be bombarded with ads to buy add-ons. Detail-preserving Upscale effect. This subreddit is available for artists / designers as a place to share inspiration & ideas, ask…. Export the layers as SWFs. 3 Experimental Features and Beta Builds are only available to Professional users. I use After Effects a fair amount and I honestly don't envy the animator who works on those. Make cavalry flanking more powerful, but make it only able to attack the cavalry opposite These Tik Tok filters are doing things with a click of a button that takes hours to do the same thing in AE. Or do I need an external software like AE, Cavalry, etc. Apple's closest product to After Effects is If you want native Lottie support, I think AE is not the best choice. Make it so an army won't instantly get sight of neighboring provinces and will instead take some days to scout them, and then shorten that time according to the amount of cavalry an army has. Go Menu, Edit, Preferences, General and select checkbox: Default Spacial Interpolation to Linear. Hi everyone, I'm a newbie in Cavalry (started out 2 days ago). Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects are two video editing programs that can be used to combine video clips into a movie. Set to linear keyframe in the Preferences. For reference, here are the major features added to After Effects since CS6: Maxon Cinema 4D Lite and Cineware integration. While there certainly is a niche for this product it doesn't seem to be an AE killer. AE can also composite, but is layer-based. 5d, tapered strokes, a particle system and new quality-of-life features. Splitting layers into two tracks exists because AE treats them as objects, not as tracks, and you can parent/Matte/reference things to that particular object. After effects. Plus it contains a compositor and simple video editor making it an all-in-one production suite. OR select keyframes and R Click on keyframe and select linear option from dialog box OR ctrl/cmd + Alt + K to open keyframe interpolation dialog box. I haven’t really tried to do this in Fusion, and I’m not even sure where to begin. Adobe After Effects. RAM speed makes little to no difference in application Spears vs heavy cavalry. Real time eye color changing vs hours with the roto brush. I just started learning it and its really powerful. Performance getting worse and worse is partially why I've picked up Cavalry. Anyone have a preference for fusion over after effects? Or perhaps a use case where one…. Every other software has this, AfterEffects still relies on 3rd party Software and Plug-Ins to get this done. Often this caused the opposing army to likewise deploy his cavalry to the sides to stop any such First the few chapters after 12 is too straight forward and boring. Also, the downside is that most of the time, the archer player will have a large mass of x-bows in castle age (20-30) whereas the knight player will be hard pressed to have 19 light cav by the time they get to castle age. Or alternatively, connect the effect to each layer individually. co/. Hey, so I had an intel 4770 with 12gb 1600mhz ram, gtx 1060 6gb gpu and now I'm upgarding to ryzen 3600. Hi I'm just a causal person using davinci resolve and learning about animation through davinci resolve. ADMIN MOD. ir uk ab dn ej ny nc bt br kv