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Why do people like talking to me reddit funny

Sometimes, especially at work with customers, I will stand on a chair so I can literally look down my nose at them while talking down to them. Don't eyefuck them, but hold a healthy amount of eye contact. I have a friend who behaves badly with everyone and they don't say anything to him, and when I behave like him, they immediately attack me and become rude to me. 3. I don’t mind fast or slow talkers but forever talkers are wasting everyone’s time. The next, I hate them and don’t want to talk to them for a week. It has confused me for a long time. They are just a number/npc to you. Women tend to talk about people and feelings. Reply reply More replies. Chances are that most people who do that in public either are extremely judgmental shallow people. That is human nature. The brain goes through age-related degeneration. It’s not just close friends or family, it’s just people who have a non judgemental vibe to them. Ask about sports, video games, movies/tv shows, pets, books, art, etc. On the other hand, so have a lot of people on both sides, and that as resulted in some amount of intentional use of the stereotype. I think my mind starts racing and all I can think about is not sounding What kind of stuff do you talk about with people? Sometimes polite small talk is better than focusing on mentally taxing topics. This has happened to me since 4th grade. Just go about your day and let conversations happen naturally. The smile is instigation. If they still show little or no effort, move on. People also love to feel like they're contributing to something. Whispering, and people who pronounce "s" like they are scraping a nail along a chalkboard (sorry for trigger). I can take jokes just fine. You can create a joke from the most boring premise, such as "dictionaries". I have terrible social anxiety, and it's honestly been years since I have had an actual real life friend. They’re either not really interested, just shitty at communicating, or putting in zero effort. The only times when they dislike me is when I say whatever is in my mind that offends them because I didn't think about their feelings or whatever. Most of them are good at telling stories, since they are professional entertainers. I have had the same thing happen to me. What bullshit. If someone cuts you in the middle, don't become quiet. If it feels like you are being too formal that is probably the energy you are putting out there. I could walk past someone in Walmart & if i hear the word "she" as I pass by…. I'm fine just the way I am and don't need people calling me out on dumb shit like "not talking enough". If you immediately stop talking mid-sentence when someone else says something, it makes people (and yourself) feel that what you have to say is not important. I am listening intently most of the time. It’s not fair on the other person so just be a loner. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. So the best way I have seen is getting out of the environment where you know people talk like that about you. There is no permanent "GAME OVER," just improving yourself in terms of skill I also tend to stare off like I’m not listening. Its a great way to bond. 1. They usually address current events and provide a relief valve for those who are worrying. I get very nervous talking to people my age and feel like they just look at me like I am a weirdo. A week later, I miss them and all I want to do is talk to them, and suppose they take longer than 5 minutes to get back i get angry and want them out of my life, or I get bored of them and don’t want to talk for days… then tell them I don’t feel like talking to them ever Reply. Quite tiring to work with people like that, every meeting takes forever and you end up not listening to what they are saying but rather looking for a good point to interrupt. 47M subscribers in the AskReddit community. At least until they get used to it. Introversion and shyness (personality characteristics) are not social I like hearing someone’s unique perspective and it gets me out of my own head to hear what other people have going on. Smiling helps me alot with that. Use your hobbies to your advantage. For example, sometimes people will talk to me and then explain a simple thing to me that I already know. They want a reaction, because that's validation of their presence, and talking shit is the fastest and easiest way they've found to get a reaction. Oh yeah, generally people love talking about themselves. 8. In this situation, there is no need to mention someone's name. People People always say I'm shy n quiet when it comes to group setting conversations. Their faces fall and they make eye contact with me while they “secretly” whisper to a friend. This will be hard at first. Anyone can talk to a “stranger” if they are of similar social strata but try talking to those who never get talked to. people like to talk about themselves, so if you find something they like, it’s easy to get them talking. I can assure you there is nothing wrong with you tho & you will find the right people for you :) hope this helps. This is something about myself that’s starting to really bug me. Sometimes I feel like I am a little nuts for thinking it is rude to ask people what they do for a job. • 1 yr. Hate it. You get what you accept. I think you're just unintentionally hilarious. 18 votes, 76 comments. I wouldn’t say fake but you are actively trying to get out of your comfort zone hence the fake feeling. Observing "small talk" conversations from the outside can seem really pointless, but the active parties are happy as clams chattering away. While I’m around those people I mesh so well I forget other people are there and I’m hilarious. I am. Or else if it's an old Acquaintance they're just checking in to see what you are doing. When you have a conversation that doesn't go anywhere you should take it as a learning experience. Young people love talking. squeezycakes18. Heterosexual men who naturally talk like the stereotype try to suppress it, homosexual men who natural don't occasionally adopt it out of solidarity like how people that join the Army adopt a southern-ish accent. ) They are actually making fun of you because there's something laughable about you or 2. So, no talking about work or hobbies or politics, and I don't know sports or pop culture and I don't drink. It's pretty simple. Then the key is to actually care enough to listen and ask follow up questions. It makes a part of me tangible. for me the shame and embarrassment I have about my life as well as the sense of inadequacy around Suppose I met a person. It's interesting to see people who love their jobs talk about what they do in an intelligent fashion. not really. I dislike it because of anxiety. I feel anxious and alien because I feel like they’re making fun of me, even when I’m sitting down like a normal human being. You also get to see Garner be genuinely and completely enamored with Affleck. In my humble but obviously biased opinion, I think you should do 3 things: Work on building confidence in yourself. It's a tough situation and it can really hurt. It engenders a sense of closeness and intimacy nonverbally, and can go a long way to communicating the feeling behind your words. • 3 yr. Like yeah, you can have your opinions and shit, but almost everything I see is absurd because that's just not how people in real life think and act. You don’t feel like it is you because you aren’t normally outgoing and talk to people. What he is doing is weird, strange, and at this point uncalled for because you've expressed to him how you feel. Especially when combined with a deadpan or serious delivery. Sometimes I’m zoning out. Get me talking about something I am interested in and you'll have a different opinion on my 'personality' Eg. It probably also has to do with maturity. Maybe they’re avoiding being present to avoid uncomfortable thoughts about their personal struggles, as a coping mechanism. They are shallow because they were never challenged properly as children to develop their critical thinking faculties. I know this comment is old, but at times I get really irritated at my husband and kid , if I feel like they're just rambling and it doesn't stop. I do agree with them. If they are talking shit about you it is for one of two reasons. In any of those cases, it’s probably best to just move on. Confronting them will make you appear like you care too much about their opinion. if you aren't ugly there's a way out which is just to practice and observe how others do it more. Sometimes my joke falls flat, it happens. The chemistry between Affleck and Smith was fantastic, even if Smith acted like a pretentious dick the whole time. Work on your communication skills, especially expressing your thoughts and emotions. People talking about their dream cars, sports in Slavery, racism, entitlement. To me, a sign of a high performing team is a feeling of camaraderie where you can talk comfortably to each other. Reply reply. RoyHobbs1. I’d talk to a therapist about this. I have periods of anger and joy. Award. 14. The problem comes when I'm talking to people. "Probably not" is a funny line in that context tbh. If you want others to open up to you then you need to relax and be more open with them. Because if I talk enough, I'll keep pushing, and I'll say something you disagree with, and then suddenly we have a fun and lively two way conversation. Even ask your friends to not tell you when someone talks like that. Edit: the point is that asking about someone who else is useful if you wanna start up or continue a conversation with a topic he/she is comfortable with. You have to force yourself to be social and normal to not be weird in a social context. An aspect of humor is the unexpected, and our brains often produce things that are very unexpected to neurotypicals. Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson Why do people like FaceTiming? Question. We both have full time jobs now and she does well for herself- she makes more than me. When I talk to people at work, especially when I'm nervous, I sound unconfident, I say stupid things and even start rambling. There are slight differences depending on hormones and certain thoughts and social expectations we’re raised with, but when it all boils down there’s not much that separates a man from a woman mentally. If no one is listening and you really want to say something, just keep talking as it they're listening. I don't talk a lot. 5. I feel like I can’t connect with people my own age. It’s all or nothing and I can’t turn it off. She also comes from a wealthy family, her parents bought her a car after graduating, they pay for her car insurance, she has a This is probably just me, but it also seems really awkward to invite people to anything. Why do you not like talking to people, do people like to talk to you, what happens when you try to force yourself, what kind of people are there around you. 15M. One day I love them. Speak with confidence and authority. EDIT 1: This post is asking about the use of a phone, not the value of conversation in general. I’m only funny around people I feel super comfortable and not judged around. If they're talking just because, then you're not in the Luckily I live in Canada and get to meet people from all over the world. ago. When we're personally involved in similarly pointless exchanges with people we like, it doesn't seem odd at all & is actually pleasant. In my experience people like to be listened to. The context can be anything. So just keep that in mind and talk to them like you would your guy friends. . Learn how to respectfully make people take you seriously by not letting them walk all over you. Some people find silences to be awkward and uncomfortable or a sign of hostility so they break that with small talk. The more people learn about you and the more they tell throngs about themselves the more they feel comfortable in the relationship. Your statements are quick and concise. No matter what i do, i always feel like people are talking about me. It is hard, but what you have to do is try and think of it like a game or sport. Severe anxiety. Well in Canada where I live (and most places I've been in North America), it's a sign of friendliness and communicates a sense of openness. If it's part of their job to ask questions then that's something they need to do, but it would help if you were aware that it was going to take place. As a quiet person, silence usually isn’t awkward if I am around people who are friends or family. There is no internal motivation. It depends not only on you, but also on the other person. Reply. Dominant talkers don't do that cause they're too busy talking just to make themselves feel better. I spend so much of my time alone making up conversations I'd like to have with people - it helps me think sometimes. Whenever someone asks how to talk to people, everyone answers “Just ask questions. 4. All conversation in a FaceTime call can easily be communicated in a regular phone call or a text. Have you tried seeing a therapist if it has been a problem for you for so long. as an extreme introvert with SAD, AvPD and depression, and a lot of pent up anger towards people, it just came naturally to avoid people as much as possible, avoid all responsibility, avoid social interaction and say the bare minimum possible. But I’m never being told I’m not funny, it’s just people not reacting to a joke at all. Or they also have other issues and have to take it out on you. First of all, the main thing is to feel comfortable during the conversation. Also, your question is a valid question. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. ) they are envious of you and so need to find something to degrade you with. And I genuinely enjoy talking to people. Really, the whole show is just really well constructed. The actual meaning behind ‘you’re not funny’ isn’t ‘oh that joke wasn’t funny’ it’s them politely telling you to stop being a prick because you’re not being funny, you’re being rude and I get along with most people who are around me. And that's not somebody I want to be. [deleted] • 7 yr. If they’re texting you once every couple months, they want to keep you in their circle just for the sake of having surface level friends but they don’t really care about you. Maybe they really do have deep thoughts about interesting topics but they’re anxious to reveal their inner world to someone else and more comfortable keeping it simple. I find that a lot of times in random conversation, people will laugh at a statement I make that wasn’t meant to be funny. If someone starts talking over me in a group, I usually still finish my sentence. Personally, it took me years to transition from that awkward kid that people rarely talk to (and had a hard time talking to sociable people), to who I am now. Sometimes it can be very interesting. Lol fuck outta here, troll. Yep, and as much as everyone claims they like texting because they aren't imposing on people's time as much as a phone call, try having ADHD where you forget your phone exists for hours on end and see how your friends feel about you not answering immediately. Just be yourself and talk naturally. Instead speak out loud but polite with a smile that you are not finished yet. Children are constantly told to shut up and listen or else. If your the sort of person who bothers with people and only talks to them when it suits you your a straight up narcissist. 23M subscribers in the explainlikeimfive community. Smiling is perfect for me, I love to show how positive and friendly I am as a person, while trying to be confident about it. Life is about finding the people who actually listen. Yes. I prefer to talk down to people. if they're people with good hearts and of good cheer, wanting to make others laugh, maybe talking a lot because they're a bit anxious or something, then i'm happy for them to talk all they wantit balances me out too. This in turn I’ve noticed has also effected how people talk in real life, especially kids (I’m not a high schooler but cover a lot of high school sports so I get a lot of exposure) If there’s one thing that I’m a grouchy old boomer Some people do, yes. We are so far away from slavery that it plays no role in society other than an excuse for people to resort to when they have no argument to make. That's not me. Something that has helped me is to write down some feelings you have or maybe just something you want to share. I don It's like they're talking down to you. Hi everyone, I didn’t see this posted already so I wanted to make a thread myself. Nope. Ofc this is hardly their intention most often then not, so I don’t really explain this to them all that much. Some brains age differently than others, which is why some old people speak faster or slower than other old people. We like cool things, talk about cool things that happened/seen. Putting more weight in your voice really helps. Maybe start shifting your focus to see if the people you are talking to bring something to YOU instead and how they make you feel instead of overthinking what you are doing “wrong” or having negative thoughts about yourself. I don't know what the problem is, everyone is talking shit about me , trolling me , laughing at me of the way i speak and talking behind my back. More replies. Food is great, some guys like sport, cars, bikes, extreme sport, tools/ gear, gym, building stuff. If you want to date a man that likes talking on the phone, then you need to say thank you next to these other men who don’t feel like talking on the phone with you. So trying to seem like you have soo many options out there might actually backfire. They’ll disappear on their own. I had a time where I couldn't stop laughing at my friend because he is dumb. My hypothesis is that either I am frowning/looking mad even when I am not and then people simply mirror my reaction, as we tend to do in social situations. I talk shit about everyone even people I care about and it’s getting to a brink, I feel deeply terrible I never agree with what I said. Irl people only ever talk to me about my diet, hair, face, body, makeup, shoes, clothes & bikinis. They want to get a reaction from you because it means that they can control you. The_Boogey-Man. It's sort of like the old Mid-Atlantic accent. I just do. In this way you will feel more relaxed when talking to someone. It feels like everyone is watching me, whispering about me, looking at me…. Talk to people because you want to talk with them and not because you think you will be lonely in the future. I just don't appreciate people expecting me to be someone I'm not. Or people will kind of talk to me in a condescending way. Hence followers are manufactured in the home. Missing chunks of time is super common for people with DID. If even for a kinda limited time. Either you can laugh at the absurdity of it all or you can change the subject entirely to a world of make-believe. A lot of people start conversations because they're bored. It is kinda odd to refer to yourself in third person and unless you’re dating someone, you’re just you not a we. Explain to them that they aren’t really contributing much to the conversation and see what happens. I like to talk about everything except politics, sometimes it creates friction between each person's ideas. I talk when I have something worth saying. It just so happens that most of the time people are talking about things that don't interest me at all. That to me is more important than anything. I liked the responses here which is to catch ourselves. I have these moments too. My best advice is to keep having some social interaction during the week. I care more about the people I talk shit about that they think. If that makes sense. I’m also old fashioned and prefer to talk face to face (I know with anxiety that makes no sense) I prefer phone calls over all other forms of non in person communication. For my whole life, I But, most people don't like talking about work and don't know how to make good talk about their jobs so asking does indeed kill a conversation before it starts. Maybe low testosterone if you are a guy or you are bipolar or something. Otherwise do whatever, but I also believe honesty is the way to go, even when - or especially - when you feel insecure. When it gets bad enough, my brain tricks I remember this semi-regular of the bar who was kind of annoying saw me and waved. men tend to talk about stuff and things. 71K votes, 34K comments. I also hate talking on the phone so the fact that there’s FaceTime where you’re talking on the phone while also staring at It makes me feel stupid when the conversation stops at a halt because the other person/people couldn't understand my words. Why is talking about money so difficult? Relationships. Be interested in what they have to say and who they are as a person. Many Black Americans speak like they do because the American media has glorified and promoted the getto culture. He literally speeeds up and comes up beside and YANKED OUT MY FRICKING RIGHT HEAD PHONE. Because you are currently not interested in talking to people. You just say "No" and explain why you disagree. She witnessed it now 3 times. •. Friendship is a two-way street. ”. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. for me it was just a subconscious thing. 2. If someone asked me that, I'd think "That's a good point to be fair", and if I end up disagreeing for whatever reason, it would just be a normal conversation. I don't have a true Best Friend so it usually feels like we're not close enough for me to invite them to anything privately, but every time I've invited someone to something it feels like we've somehow gotten closer. Idk why. While writing you probably will cry but that's ok because you are releasing your emotions. Talking to people currently is just an objective. People that talk about other people < people that talk about current It could be that you're just extremely introverted, it could be something else. I grew up with phone calls and have no issues. Maybe it was the combination of words I used, or my inflection. I also feel out of place because I feeL like everyone is more put together then I am. letsgocrazy. Might be that you don’t have DID but you should talk to them about your trauma and how to integrate your identity issue. Veximusprime. I find FaceTiming to be the most awkward and useless form of communication. It's also something professional instructors will start to do naturally when we're teaching a subject. if you're ugly then your progress would be equivalent to pushing against a wall. ‘Why’ and ‘How’ questions are good conversation extenders so use them when you feel an awkward pause coming. depends on the person. The energy that a conversation, or social setting, consumes makes it very hard to keep doing. Most people don't talk about deep stuff because they are shallow. I am not sure if it is a chemical imbalance. bone-dry. Most people are pretty knowledgeable about themselves and therefore it’s easier to talk about. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I gave him a small head nod and tried to walk a little more quickly and go about buying my produce. He proceeds to say “ya know walking around with both headphones in makes Whatever you have to say is relevant to the conversation AND is probably interesting to the majority of people there. Command your partner's attention with your eyes. Just start today! Observe and Check it: Speak slowly and look people in the eyes when you are speaking to them. If you learn to brush it off though, people will notice that you're confident and cool. That advice is, obviously, based on the assumption of wanting monogamy and serious interest from both parties. Livebeam. And 97% of the times it's a genuine smile because I love people that talk nice back to me and making me completely forget about my depressive mind. I talk about philosophy, something I just learned, something I'd really like to say to that person, or something that's been on my mind. You must have noticed that those who cut you off start on a loud note. Stop responding. Consciously try and remove crutches like 'Um,' and 'you know,' from your speech patterns. Try to find people with more introverted personalities and they'll usually be better at listening. Stay away from people it’s clearly a mental illness and you need to stop communicating with people if they simply annoy you. I have a hard time focusing on people when they are talking to me, so it looks like I’m not paying any attention to the speaker. And the more nervous/stressed I am, the worse I get. It seems like it is very standard, and I get asked it all of the time by others, but I guess maybe this economy has made me more sensitive to people who may be unemployed/underemployed/in a shitty job. Even homeless people. But I do have issues with Messenger. Naturally, in IT you’re going to run into a number of introverts so it might simply be a personality conflict. You are not obligated to like everyone who likes you, especially someone who refuses to let you get to know him. Vulnerability is strength. more reply. They say I'm pretty easy-going, energetic, funny and, understanding. What worked best for me was to think of each experience like a single instance of a game. It makes me feel like I have said something wrong, but when I ask people if I did, they say I haven't. Because this is a basic human trait that you will feel serious push back if you try to stop it. If you don't you will eventually start regretting it and that causes all kinds of other problems. Strategic pauses hold a listener's attention, and it encourages the speaker to be more understandable as they focus on what they're saying. . (One real tip that helped me here is to imagine everyone you are talking to is someone you can talk to really easily, like your mom or something) 1. squash-pumpkin. You'll never be able to be interesting to everyone, that is why people usually stick to 'small talk' topics like weather, TV, news until you find a topic of common interest to branch out on. Problem is that’s very few people. They still got a perspective on life that is unique and can be very wise and interesting. Just detach and go about your day until the hard parts over and then come home and re center yourself. I (23F) live with a roommate (22F) whom I met and lived with in college. weather is a safe topic, compared to politics or sports, very few people get into fights over the weather. Also don't think about the process too much, enjoy the conversation too! This is also when you are able to get to know the person in a more personal matter. talking about the weather has become a cliche for two people making awkward small take, and doesn't happen as often as portrayed Make the conversation about them. Share. it depends on what their energy is. It just comes off as somewhat disrespectful and narrow minded that people will be so quick to label you as that term just because they don’t understand that some people do not operate like them. People on Twitter do the same thing (though their vernacular is specific to Twitter and not Reddit). This misses the point. weather affects everyone, and people frequently talk about it even when they have other things to talk about. I feel like you said it yourself. Not necessarily having to be best friends but at least being pleasant. So automatically their loud voice demands everyone's attention. I've isolated myself for that very reason. At the end, when it was time to say bye, he even had the heart to say “by the way—thanks for calling. People seem to be assuming that young people have no idea how to talk to one another, in person or in any other way, and that the question is essentially asking why people need to converse at all. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. I feel like I start mumbling gibberish sometimes. Just because someone has less than u doesent mean they are lesser than u. I’ll spare you guys the The greatest thing you can do is have self-confidence. People who aren't funny on stage are people who don't know how to properly set the context for a joke, haven't figured out a humorous reaction to the context, and/or aren't comfortable delivering a humorous reaction on a stage. 67. Humor is the realization that one thing is not what you expected it to be. Yes, my wife always thought I was exaggerating when I told her sometimes random strangers will feel the need to share or start a conversation with me, especially at the supermarket. Talk is cool but doing is better, go do things. So when you are contacting them afterwards, they don't respond because they weren't looking for a connection, but just a brief chat. Like if they use a big word, they'll I try to talk quieter but if I'm not constantly making an active effort to talk quietly people think I'm angry with them because of the "tone" in my voice (apparently I have this weird intonation in my voice that makes me sound mad all the time) and the fact that I'm evidently yelling (I don't think I'm yelling because I'm not making a I have always hung out with/ get along with people who are older then me. Straight-Shallot-879. Juniebug9. That it's pleasant is likely some adaptation to incentivize elastic thinking. The last time it happened she said, "Well, you did have psychiatrist written on your forehead!" Two people who are interested in video games could talk eagerly for hours about itanother person would be bored out of their mind listening to it. I know if an overly enthusiastic guy at work tried to constantly talk to me about intellectual stuff like I owed him something I would start avoiding Don't try to be something you are not and pretend to like things you don't just to make convo 3. In fact, even my interactions with…. gg ty xb on jv gr om yf qb kx